FLAME University




The case method of teaching has gained popularity in the Education, Law, Medical, Management, Psychology, Sociology and several other professional disciplines. There are several popular case repositories like HBS Educator, ECCH, Science Case Network, Asian IT Cases Series etc. from where teachers can source teaching cases for their courses. At FLAME, case method of teaching is practiced across all its schools. Now many of the FLAME’s faculty members use case method of teaching in their courses and have prior exposure to the craft of case writing and research.  FLAME Center for Case Development (FCCD) intends to become a repository of cases across multiple disciplines by providing necessary infrastructure and encouragement to the FLAME’s faculty members for case writing. The Center’s mission is to “Emerge as a well-known repository of quality cases by 2025 in all such professional disciplines which are taught at FLAME and where case method of teaching can be successfully deployed.


To achieve its mission, the Center from time to time through the involvement of the FLAME’s faculty will engage in the following activities:

  1. Encouraging case pedagogy and writing of cases by the FLAME faculty members through conducting case workshops, training the faculty in case teaching and case writing.
  2. Arranging invited talks of renowned experts of case writing & teaching.
  3. Conducting case conferences at FLAME.
  4. Providing FLAME's financial sponsorship to its faculty members for writing good field based ‘teaching cases’.
  5. Developing linkages with industry to explore the possibilities of writing field based cases by FLAME's faculty.
  6. Encouraging FLAME’s faculty to write cases by giving an annual cash reward to a case which is adjudged as the best case of all the cases written by FLAME’s faculty in a particular year.
  7. Collaborations with other renowned institutions/organizations to offer joint workshops on case writing and teaching.
  8. Launching of FLAME’s Case repository and Case Journal by 2016.
  9. Creating a knowledge repository for material on ‘case writing and teaching’ in FLAME’s Vivekananda library.


The Center encourages the writing of cases in the following Areas: Accounting, Anthropology, Archeology, Economics, Education, Entrepreneurship, Environment, Finance, Human Resource Management, Information Systems, International Studies, Law, Management, Marketing, Media Studies, Organizational Behaviour, Operations, Psychology, Supply Chain Management, Sociology etc.