FLAME University


Learning from some of the best minds in education and in the industry
Prof. Melody Kshetrimayum
Assistant Professor - Literary & Cultural Studies
Email: melody.kshetrimayum@flame.edu.in
Prof. Melody Kshetrimayum holds PhD in Social Work from Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai and MPhil in Social Work from Tata Institute of Social Sciences (TISS), Mumbai; Masters in Social Work from CSRD- ISWR, Ahmednagar; BSc (Honours), Zoology, Manipur University;

Dr. Melody Kshetrimayum has over 8 years of experience in teaching, research, and practice. Prior to joining FLAME University, she has worked for TISS, Mumbai and Ojus Medical Institute, Mumbai. She has taught qualitative research, sociology, social work and academic writing courses. She has worked with women groups in non-governmental organisations. Her scholarly work explored Women, Gender, Informal Credit Institutions, Indigenous Social Work, Social Work Education, Microfinance, and CSR using multidisciplinary approach. She has published her research works in Q1 journals and books. She has supervised research projects on death and bereavement rituals, and sexual violence. In 2021, she has co-edited a special issue of The British Journal of Social Work.

Dr. Kshetrimayum has been awarded the Young Woman Researcher Award in Women and Gender Studies in 2024 by Venus International Foundation. In 2021, she has worked as an Expert Committee Member of the National CSR Awards in 2021. She has also received a Special Mention Award at the SCHOLL Research Challenge in 2010. She has received the UGC Junior and Senior Fellowship in Social Work in 2007 and 2010 respectively.

Dr. Kshetrimayum is open to collaborate with colleagues and students on multidisciplinary research.


Peer-reviewed Journals

  1. Marup promoting Social and Economic Development: Implications for Feminist Social Work with Groups, Social Work with Groups (Taylor and Francis Online), 46 (2): 129-139, 2023.

  2. Review of Indigenous Social Work Around the World: Concepts, Debates, and ChallengesInternational Social Work (Sage Journals), 2022 (ONLINE FIRST).

  3. Social Work and the Changing Context: Engagement in Policy Making, The British Journal of Social Work (Oxford Journals), 50 (8): 2253–2260, 2021.

  4. Politics of Dominance in Meitei Society, Economic and Political Weekly, Vol 53(4): 26-28, 2018.

  5. Tracing the Evolution of Marup in Manipur Valley, Sociological Bulletin (Sage Journals), Vol. 66 (3): 1-14, 2017.

  6. Rotating Savings and Credit Associations: An important Space for Social Work Practice, The Indian Journal of Social Work, Vol. 77 (3): 311-322, 2016.

  7. Social Work Research and its Methodological Vicissitudes in Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Social Work Journal, Vol. 6 (1): 6-21, 2015.

  8. Melody Kshetrimayum. Women Towards Achieving 3rd MDG: Role of Marup in Empowering Women in Manipur ValleySocial Work Review, Vol. 51 (1): 92-106, 2015.

  9. Melody Kshetrimayum.Marup (Meitei Rotating Credit Institution): A Livelihood Strategy of Meitei WomenThe Indian Journal of Social Work. 74 (3/4): 433-441, 2013.

  10. Melody Kshetrimayum, Microfinance and Informal Credit in Manipur, International Journal of Social and
    Economic Research, Vol.2 (2): 266-275, 2012.

Book Chapters

  1. Jaswal, S & Kshetrimayum, Melody. 'Formation of a new identity after death: Abandoning differences and inequalities in India'. In Joris V.P, Eva V & Christian V.K (Eds.), Death and belonging - Local variations on a universal theme. Antwerpen, Belgium: Garant Uitgevers nv., 2022.

  2.  Surinder Jaswal and Melody Kshetrimayum. Scope of Social Work Profession: Challenges Ahead, In S. M. Sajid and Rashmi Jain (eds): Reflections on Social Work Profession, New Delhi: Bloomsbury., 2018.

  3.  Surinder Jaswal and Melody Kshetrimayum. Doctoral Social Work Research: Emerging Themes. In G.S. Gawali (Ed.), Status of Social Science Research in India: Critical Engagement and Future Direction, Delhi: Manak Publications Pvt Limited, 2018.

  4.  Microfinance for Poverty Alleviation: Analysis of clients’ perspectives and changes in their lives in the state of Manipur, India, In Jayadev M. and Diatha Krishna Sundar (eds): Changing Contours of Microfinance in India. Oxon: Routledge (Taylor and Francis), 2016.

  5.  Divya Kodoth and Melody Kshetrimayum. Ethical Issues in Community Practice: Case of an Informal Credit Practice in Manipur and Dedication Practice in Karnataka, In Suresh Pathare, Sanjai Bhatt, and Jaimon Varghese (eds): Social Justice and Social Work Profession in India- Challenging Responses and Responding Challenges. Jaipur: Manas Publishers and Distributors, 2016.

Working Paper

  1. Doctoral Works in Tata Institute of Social Sciences: A Contextual Analysis of Social Work Theses from 1967 to 2014.

 Book Review

  1.  ‘Ethics in Social Work Education and Practice in India, by Indrajit Goswami, 2011, Mangalore: Mangala Publications’, The Indian Journal of Social Work, Vol. 78 (4): 723-726, 2017.

  2.  Alcoholism, Family and Social Work Practice by C.P. Singh, 2015, Jaipur: Rawat Publications, The Indian Journal of Social Work, Vol. 77(1): 107-108, 2016.

  3.  Microfinance India: State of the sector report - 2010 by N. Srinivasan, Sociological Bulletin, Vol. 61(1): 174-175, 2010.

Opinions and Web Reviews

  1. Battle between Women Empowerment Concept and Indicators?, April, 2024, IndiaToday NE.

  2. World Day of Social Justice 2024 with Gender Inequality, Social Exclusion and Armed Conflict, Feb, 2024, India Today NE.

  3. Review of: A Deeper Look at the Origin and Evolution of the Social Work Profession, Feb, 2024, Qeios.

  4. Why celebrate Women and Nupilan of Manipur?, Dec, 2023, India Today NE.

  5. Meira Paibis: Manipuri women caught between violence and narratives, Oct, 2023, India Today NE.

  6. Meiteis, the Majority who are neither Dominant nor Privileged in Manipur, The Sangai Express. 

  7. Living with Conflict in Manipur, Regional Cooperation Newsletter- South Asia, International Council on Social Welfare, 2017.


  1. Editorial Board Member, Perspectives in Social Work published by College of Social Work, Nirmalaniketan, Mumbai, India from June 2021 to August 2023.

  2. Expert Committee Member of the National Corporate Social Responsibility Awards (NCSRA) 2020 India. Evaluated 11 nominated companies from all over India through discussions, interviews, field visits, and document reviews.

  3. Reviewer of the British Journal of Social Work, International Journal of Community and Social Development, and the Indian Journal of Social Work.

 Conference Attended

  1. National Conference on Social Work Research, Methodologies of the Peripheralised on 8-9 th Jan, 2024
    organised by Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai.

  2. National Workshop on Transformation through NAAC Accreditation Process conducted on 21st and 22nd June, 2021 organised by The Institute for Academic Excellence (IAE).

  3. International Conference on Governance for the Margins, at the Institute for Development and Communication (IDC), Chandigarh (5th -6th February 2018). Paper presented: Advancing Gender Rights: Linking Policy to Practice.

  4. ICSSR sponsored Two Day Seminar on ‘Roots of Conflict Resolution in Manipur: Claims and Counter Claims, 8th-9th April, 2015.

  5. ICSSR sponsored Two Day International Conference on ‘Ethnicity, Discrimination and Social Exclusion of Minorities and Margin: Post-Colonial Debates’ at the University of Mysore, Centre for Study of Social Exclusion and Inclusive Policy, Mysore. (18th - 19th December, 2014).

  6. International Conference on Women and Millennium Development Goals- A Social Work Response at the Maharaja Sayajirao University of Baroda, Gujarat, 13-14th February, 2014.

  7. National Seminar on Development Discourse: Expanding Horizons (18-19th March, 2013) at Indira Gandhi National Tribal University (IGNTU), Regional Campus, Manipur. Paper presented: Gender and Development.

  8. International Seminar on Human Security in the North East Region: Challenges and Predicament (2nd -3rd March, 2012) at Manipur University organised by Indira Gandhi National Tribal University, Regional Campus, Manipur.

  9. SCHOLL Research Conclave and 2010 Challenge Awards organised by North Eastern Development Foundation (NEDF) and National Foundation for India at Guwahati, 11th February, 2011.

  10. 7th International Conference on E-Government (ICEG-2010) at Indian Institute of Management Bangalore (IIM-B), 22-24th April, 2010. Paper presented: Microfinance for Poverty Alleviation: Analysis of clients’ perspectives and changes in their lives in the state of Manipur.