FLAME University


Dear Readers,

We are excited to announce FLAME University’s new academic journey through the launch of the FLAME Working Paper Series. Through this Series, we intend to document and present high-quality research that faculty and students at FLAME University are engaged in. We hope that this in-house research platform serves as a route to stimulate cross-disciplinary conversations, innovations in thinking, and sharing of interventions and practices. To make the Series inviting, substantive and generative, we are accepting a range of formats such as evidence-based commentaries, carefully written field notes, research reports, technical papers, policy briefs and academic zines in addition to full-length papers. Notably, following the University’s longstanding ideals of inclusivity, diversity and academic integrity, this Series is freely accessible to all interested readers. 

While we launch this critical endeavor, we recognize that the success of this Series will depend on the intellectual support of its academic community. We hope that you choose this Series to showcase your pre-publication work and allow the FLAME community to appreciate the value of shared thinking, methods, and epistemes. We hope that this Series grows in its scope and intellectual stature in the coming years and that it is recognized as a platform for promising theoretical and applied work. 

Finally, we record our gratitude to the Vice Chancellor, Dr Dishan Kamdar, and the Research & Development Cell at FLAME University for wholeheartedly supporting this initiative.

For more information on the scope and submission processes, we welcome you to explore the Series website at: https://www.flame.edu.in/research/flame-working-paper-series

Best wishes

  • Dr. Tannistha Samanta, Dept. of Social Sciences
  • Dr. Prasad Pathak, Associate Dean, R&D Cell
  • Dr. Sunil Rajpal, Dept. of Economics
  • Dr. Anuradha Batabyal, Dept. of Physical and Natural Sciences

About us

Aims and Scope

FLAME working paper series is an in-house research platform of FLAME University aimed at showcasing FLAME University research in the areas of of economics, management sciences, humanities (includes history, language, literary and cultural studies), physical and natural sciences, psychological sciences, computer and data sciences, and the social sciences, namely sociology, international relations/political science, public policy, and anthropology. The FWPS is dedicated towards an active dissemination of scholarly research and serves as a platform for an early distribution of preliminary research findings. Typically, the series aims to accept and showcase pre-publication versions of high-quality research papers, or reviews that can help in not only forging an interdisciplinary dialogue but also advancing and mapping the cross-cutting fields.  The FWPS aim to explore contemporary issues, exchange ideas, sparks academic and policy conversations, and foster collaborations. Researchers at all career stages are invited to submit their work.


  • Showcasing the university research in various subject domains.
  • Stimulating academic and policy discussions thereby contributing towards the advancement of knowledge on the subject matter.
  • To encourage critical thinking, exchange of ideas and promote research and innovation.

Editorial Board

Editor-in-Chief – Tannistha Samanta, Ph.D., Department of Sociology

Senior Editors

  • William Joe, Ph.D., Population Research Centre, Institute of Economic Growth
  • Anuradha Batabyal, Ph.D., Department of Physical and Natural Sciences, FLAME School of Liberal Education
  • Prasad Pathak, Ph.D., Department of Physical and Natural Sciences, FLAME School of Liberal Education
  • Sunil Rajpal, Ph.D., Department of Economics, FLAME School of Liberal Education

Associate Editors

  • Lily Kelting, Ph.D., Department of Humanities and Languages, FLAME School of Liberal Education
  • Yashobanta Parida, Ph.D., Department of Economics, FLAME School of Liberal Education
  • Moulika Mandal, Ph.D., Department of Psychology, FLAME School of Liberal Education
  • Devendra Kumar Jain, Ph.D., Department of Finance, FLAME School of Business 
  • Frederick Herbst, Ph.D., Department of Marketing, FLAME School of Business
  • Ramna Walia, Ph.D., Department of Media and Journalism, FLAME School of Communication
  • Amit Kundal, Ph.D., Department of Design, Art & Performance, FLAME School of Design, Art & Performance

Submission Guidelines

Submission and Formatting Instructions

FWPS welcomes unpublished original contributions that have not been submitted, or accepted for publication elsewhere at the time of submission. However, the published working papers are eligible for submission in the peer-reviewed journal with the due acknowledgement and declaration. Following are specific submission and formatting related instructions for authors:

  1. All Submissions via email to fwps@flame.edu.in.
  2. Main text for working papers should be between 3500 to 6000 words excluding tables, figures and references.
  3. Contributors are urged to follow formatting guidelines as mentioned below:
    • Manuscripts to be submitted in Word format only.
    • Sequence of Manuscript

      1. Title page: Title of the Paper, Authors name (in sequence), Authors Affiliation, Corresponding Author Details and the following declaration “The views expressed in this paper are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect those of the FLAME University.”
      2. Abstract (200 to 300 words)
      3. Key words (6 to 8)
      4. Main text
      5. References
      6. Tables and Figures
      7. Acknowledgements
    • All manuscripts must follow APA 6th referencing style for citations and references. (https://apastyle.apa.org/style-grammar-guidelines/references/examples)
    • Manuscripts should be double-spaced, including references and tables, on 8-1/2" x 11" paper using 1" margins and with a single space between sentences.
    • Acknowledgment to any internal or external funding should be mentioned at the end of the manuscript.
    • Any declarations regarding IRB approvals and conflict of interest should be placed at the end of the manuscript.
  4. We encourage submissions that contribute to interdisciplinary research and employ diverse media formats for communication. The following formats can also be submitted to FWPS.
    • Graphical Narratives: Comics, graphic essays, or visual storytelling pieces that explore academic or interdisciplinary themes.
    • Photographic Essays: A series of curated photographs with captions and accompanying reflective or explanatory essays.
    • Submission Requirements: All submissions must include a written component (e.g., an abstract, introduction, or analysis) to contextualize and complement the creative material.
    • Submissions should include a minimum of 10 high-resolution photographs or images. Each photograph or image must be accompanied by a caption of 50–100 words providing relevant context.
    • Authors are required to confirm that they hold the copyright for all submitted images.
    • Manuscripts should be double-spaced, including references and tables, on 8-1/2" x 11" paper using 1" margins and with a single space between sentences.
    • Citation style, referencing, acknowledgments, and declarations should follow the same guidelines specified for manuscripts.
    • Include up to 5 keywords for your submission.

Note: Authors using AI and AI-assisted technologies in the writing process should disclose it in a statement at the end of the article. Ultimately, the authors will be accountable for the accuracy, originality and integrity of the work submitted. FWPS will not be liable for any discrepancies arising later


Frequently Asked Questions about Working Paper Series:

It has been recognized globally that WP platforms offer a secure and ethical way to disseminate pre-publication stage work with faculty and students at large. Most top Universities have a long tradition of hosting working papers of their faculty and students. For example, the London School of Economics started its WP Series way back in the 1990s. Their digital archive has been active since 2000. https://www.lse.ac.uk/Economic-History/Working-Papers

There are several other advantages of using working papers, including

  • To get early feedback on your work from academic peers
  • To communicate our findings to policymakers, practitioners, any relevant audience in time
  • To make results of publicly funded research publicly available and not behind paywalls or need to article processing charges
  • To lay claim to study results, avoiding the possibility of being pipped to the post by another researcher
Other Universities and international organizations that routinely publish WP for sharing emerging work include Purdue University, Harvard University, University of Cambridge, Nuffield College (Oxford), University of Melbourne, The World Bank, the United Nations, etc.

Increasingly, Indian higher education institutions have recognized the benefits of sharing emerging work in terms of academic visibility and impact. The following are currently hosting similar initiatives.

Azim Premji University: https://azimpremjiuniversity.edu.in/publications/working-paper-series
IIT Bombay: https://www.cps.iitb.ac.in/research/wps/
IIT Kharagpur: https://som.iitkgp.ac.in/working.php
IIT Madras (Centre for Memory Studies)
Ashoka University (Trivedi Centre for Political Data)

FLAME University supports several ongoing projects that its faculty have undertaken. The WP is an effective platform to share findings from ongoing and completed research projects that are funded/partially supported by the University. To this end, the WP Series will accept a range of formats including evidence-based commentary pieces, Research Notes, scientific and technical reports and ethically made photo-stories. Finally, from the perspective of branding, the WP offers a glimpse of the University's commitment to research endeavours and the multidisciplinary nature of liberal education.
  1. If you are working on a research topic which is time sensitive, and you would want to share your novel idea and findings, FWPS can provide you platform to showcase your results.
  2. Early feedback before the journal peer-review process can reduce the chances of desk rejects and improve the overall quality of your paper.
  3. Working paper is used to communicate your findings to policymakers, practitioners, and any relevant audience in time.
  • Yes, working paper series can be cited. This will enhance visibility of your research. Please see below and example of such a citation
In-text citation:
(Malter, 2014).
Reference list:
Malter, D. (2014). Eclipsed and confounded identities: when high-status affiliations impede organizational growth. Harvard Business School Strategy Unit Working Paper No. 15-019. Available at https://www.hbs.edu/faculty/Pages/item.aspx?num=48092 
FWPS platform can benefit the researchers and the university simultaneously as this can be useful for faculty appraisal and can count towards NAAC once we obtain ISBN number for the series. FLAME University can showcase the research strength and cutting-edge research being carried out FLAME.
  1. It is common for Economics, Public Policy, Political Science/Studies,  Business Management,  and allied domains to publish their research in the working paper format.
  2. Student projects involving primary data collection.
  3. Technical Reports and novel methodologies.
  4. Student-led scholarship work that involves secondary data research.
  5. Any unpublished work that is internally funded.  

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