FLAME University


Learning from some of the best minds in education and in the industry
Prof. Nidhi Kalra
Assistant Professor - Literary & Cultural Studies
Email: nidhi.kalra@flame.edu.in
M.Phil., M.A. & B.A. in English Literature from University of Delhi, New Delhi

Nidhi Kalra teaches Literary and Cultural Studies as well as Academic Writing at FLAME University. At FLAME, apart from being a faculty member, she has also served as the Chair of the Writing Centre and Co-Chair of the Discover India Program. Nidhi's past experiences comprise over a decade of teaching experience including but not limited to the English Departments of Savitribai Phule Pune University and Gargi College in the University of Delhi. Her areas of specialization are memory and trauma studies, oral history, digital humanities, postcolonial literature, and children's/young adult literature. She is currently a doctoral candidate at the Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, IIT Bombay and prior to this she has studied at the University of Delhi where she has completed her MPhil with a first division on the problematics laid open by Holocaust memoirs.


Publication Remarks
“A Feminist Inquiry: Manju Kapur and Nayantara Sahgal’s Narratives of Alienation” at ‘Representing Conflict’ Students’ National Seminar, Department of English, University of Delhi - 2010
“A Polyvocal Woman: Deconstructing Sita” and “Unveiling India: Marketing the Consumable Stereotype” Lady Sri Ram College, Delhi, for their two-day Annual English festival  - 2003
“Jane Austen: Social Apologist or Social Critic?” Lady Sri Ram College, Delhi, for their Jane Austen Colloquim - 2003
“Her Spirit Never Dies: Anne Frank” Book published - exhibited in the Young Authors Exhibition in Queens College, City University of New York (CUNY).
“The Gray Zone: Problematising Holocaust Survivors’ Testimonies,” MPhil Dessertation - under the supervision of Prof. Udaya Kumar, DPhil (The University of Oxford).   
“Arora. S., Baig, N., Kalra, N. (2023) Trans*(gressive) Failures: Cis-heteronormative Gaze in OTT Media.“ Journal of Creative Communications. https://doi.org/10.1177/09732586231193571