FLAME University


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Prof. Saloni Kapur
Assistant Professor - International Studies
Email: saloni.kapur@flame.edu.in
PhD in International Relations from Lancaster University, UK; M.A. in International Relations from University of Warwick, UK; B.A. in Economics from University of Pune.

Saloni Kapur is an Assistant Professor of International Studies in the Department of Social Sciences at FLAME University. Her research focuses on critical security studies, employing postcolonial perspectives, poststructuralism, and securitisation theory to explore everyday (in)security and terror.

Saloni holds a Doctor of Philosophy in International Relations from the University of Lancaster, a Master of Arts in International Relations from the University of Warwick, and a Bachelor of Arts (Special) from the University of Pune. Her doctoral thesis utilised the English School to critically analyse terror in Pakistan. Her current research addresses the question of how we can build a mestizo South Asian decolonial approach to International Studies. She is the author of Pakistan after Trump: Great Power Responsibility in a Multi-Polar World (Cambridge Scholars, 2021) and a co-editor of Regional Security in South Asia and the Gulf (Routledge, 2023) and Securitisation in the Non-West (Routledge, 2019).



  • Kapur, Saloni. 2021. Pakistan after Trump: Great Power Responsibility in a Multi-Polar World. Newcastle-upon-Tyne, UK: Cambridge Scholars.

Edited Books

  • Karim, Umer, and Saloni Kapur, eds. 2023. Regional Security in South Asia and the Gulf. Abingdon-on-Thames, UK: Routledge.

  • Mabon, Simon, and Saloni Kapur, eds. 2019. Securitisation in the Non-West. Abingdon- on-Thames, UK: Routledge.

Journal Articles

  • Kapur, Saloni, Simon Mabon, and Umer Karim. 2023. “The Ties That Bind South and West Asia.” In “South Asia and the Gulf: Transregional Relations, Order, Human Rights and Migration,” edited by Saloni Kapur, Umer Karim, and Simon Mabon. Special issue, Global Discourse 13, no. 1 (February): 2-4.

  • Mabon, Simon, and Saloni Kapur. 2023. “The Complexity of (Super)complexes: Pakistan, India and West Asia.” In “South Asia and the Gulf: Transregional Relations, Order, Human Rights and Migration,” edited by Saloni Kapur, Umer Karim, and Simon Mabon. Special issue, Global Discourse 13, no. 1 (February): 5-19.

  • Kapur, Saloni. 2019. “The Intellectual Roots of Sunni Sectarianism in Pakistan: A Reply to Fuchs.” In “Transnational Religious Networks and the Geopolitics of the Muslim World,” edited by Simon Mabon and Edward Wastnidge. Special issue, Global Discourse 9, no. 4 (November): 717-19.

  • Kapur, Saloni. 2018. “From Copenhagen to Uri and across the Line of Control: India’s ‘Surgical Strikes’ as a Case of Securitisation in Two Acts.” Global Discourse 8, no. 1 (January): 62-79.

  • Kapur, Saloni. 2018. “Review of ‘Recursion or Rejection? Securitization Theory Faces Islamist Violence and Foreign Religions’, by Mona Kanwal Sheikh.” Global Discourse 8, no. 1 (January): 39-41.

  • Kapur, Saloni, and Simon Mabon. 2018. “The Copenhagen School Goes Global: Securitisation in the Non-West.” Global Discourse 8, no. 1 (January): 1-4.

  • Kapur, Saloni. 2016. “South Asian Scholarship in Transition: New Perspectives on Politics, Security and Regional Co-operation.” Contemporary South Asia 24, no. 1 (July): 109-14.

  • Kapur, Saloni. 2014. “The Philosophical Underpinnings of an English School Analysis of Terrorist Deradicalisation Programmes.” Lancaster Journal of Philosophy 2, no. 1 (Spring): 37-45. http://ljop.weebly.com/uploads/3/5/1/5/3515550/volume_two_issue_two.pdf.

  • Kapur, Saloni. 2012. “Violence, Theory and the Subject of International Politics: A Derridian Analysis of the Partition of India.” Peace Prints 4, no. 2 (Winter): 150-67. http://wiscomp.org/peaceprints/4-2/4.2.11.pdf.

Book Chapters

  • Kapur, Saloni. 2025. “Challenging Decoloniality: Human Rights and Hindutva in Contemporary India.” In South Asia from the Margins: Transformations in the Political Space, edited by Asad ur Rehman and Muhammad Shoaib Pervez, 114-41. Abingdon-on-Thames, UK: Routledge.

  • Kapur, Saloni. 2023. “India, the Persian Gulf, and the Emergence of a Supercomplex.” In Regional Security in South Asia and the Gulf, edited by Umer Karim and Saloni Kapur, 16-38. Abingdon-on-Thames, UK: Routledge.

  • Karim, Umer, and Saloni Kapur. 2023. “Introduction.” In Regional Security in South Asia and the Gulf, edited by Umer Karim and Saloni Kapur, 1-15. Abingdon-on-Thames, UK: Routledge.

  • Kapur, Saloni. 2019. “From Copenhagen to Uri and across the Line of Control: India’s ‘Surgical Strikes’ as a Case of Securitisation in Two Acts.” In Securitisation in the Non-West, edited by Simon Mabon and Saloni Kapur, 62-79. Abingdon-on-Thames, UK: Routledge.

  • Kapur, Saloni. 2019. “Review of ‘Recursion or Rejection? Securitization Theory Faces
    Islamist Violence and Foreign Religions’, by Mona Kanwal Sheikh.” In Securitisation in the Non-West, edited by Simon Mabon and Saloni Kapur, 39-41. Abingdon-on-Thames, UK: Routledge.

  • Kapur, Saloni, and Simon Mabon. 2019. “Introduction - the Copenhagen School Goes Global: Securitisation in the Non-West.” In Securitisation in the Non-West, edited by Simon Mabon and Saloni Kapur, 1-4. Abingdon-on-Thames, UK: Routledge.

Book Reviews

Technical Report

  • Bhandari, Amit, Saloni Kapur, Shreya Lad, Siddhant Nair, and Nafisa Kalladi. 2021.
    Country Report: Iran. Mumbai: Gateway House-FLAME Policy Lab.

Blogs and Other Forms of Online Writing

Op-Eds and Other Publications for the Public