Prof. Snehal Shekatkar is Assistant Professor - Computer Science and has received his Doctorate Degree in Physics from IISER, Pune; He has completed his Master’s Degree in Physics from the University of Pune and Bachelor’s Degree from University of Pune.
He has a total work experience of over seven years. He was a DST-INSPIRE faculty in the S.P. Pune University in the past. He has also worked as a postdoctoral researcher at the Complexity Science Hub, Vienna in close collaboration with OeBB Austria. Further, he was awarded a National Postdoctoral fellowship in 2017. During the Covid-19 pandemic, he was part of the National team of Indian scientists who modelled the spread of the disease in India, and was awarded Yuva Gaurav Purskar by the S.P. Pune University for this work.
His research interests are in the field of Complex networks, Nonlinear Dynamics, Theoretical Ecology, Computational Number Theory, and Data Sciences
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