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Workshop on User Interface and User Experience Design Thinking for Enhancing Customer Experience
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From Saturday, September 01, 2018 -  09:00am
To Sunday, September 02, 2018 - 01:00pm
Seminars & Workshops

Event : This workshop is meant for all marketing, marketing communication and design aspirants who wish to understand and learn the basics of UI and UX. A mandatory workshop for product management students, it would cover areas of user research and interface design. The workshop is open for other enthusiasts as well.

Details about the speaker: A Post Graduate in New Media Design from NID, Sukanto introduces himself as working towards ‘Humanising Transformation for Usable Experience’. For the past 13 years he is researching, understanding , visualizing , strategizing and designing transformation that allow users to get seamless experience and deliver desired business outcome. Mr. Roy helps organisations understand their users’ and stakeholders’ needs by empathizing with users from ground zero to understand their requirements and align the needs to craft a usable product or service using Human Centred Design Principles that can lead to architect a business holistically.

Detailed topics within are as follows:

  1. Overview of UI and UX
  2. User researchCustomer Mapping and mental models, Empathy Maps, Personas, Scenarios, Storyboards, Task Analysis and Product roadmap development, Heuristics & Usability Testing ( for User interface Design) 
  3. Interface DesignProto typing, Image Making, Iconisation & Visual Design, Setting design and brand compliance, Design specification, DOC development for developers.