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"Why are impacts so large for seemingly small changes in climate?" A talk by Dr. Chirag Dhara, Indian Institute of Meteorology.
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Wednesday, September 04, 2019, 11:00am - 01:00pm
Lecture / Reading / Talk

About the talk: 

Why is rainfall in India becoming patchier? Why is India’s east coast much more prone to cyclones than the west coast? Why did the Bay of Bengal swallow a fully functioning school in the Sundarbans in a space of merely four years? What is the future we are condemning our youth to? 

The IPCC released a special report in late 2018. It detailed the difference in the impacts of climate change at a global temperature rise of 1.5C and 2C. Impacts are disproportionately larger for what would appear to be a small temperature difference. How do we make sense of that?
In this talk, we will discuss and understand the IPCC report, the magnitude of the problem of global climate change, its ramifications for India (and the rest of the world), and the immense challenge of stepping back from the brink. During and after the talk, we welcome a discussion on what we should, and must, do to stave off the worst.

Bio-sketch of the Speaker:

Dr Chirag is currently associated with the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology and working on climate change assessment in India. He has carried out his doctoral work about atmospheric modelling and climate change projections from Max Planck Institute for Biogeochemistry, Germany. His research interests are in atmospheric radiation and convection and climate change impacts. Currently, Dr Chirag is also involved with IISER Pune in developing lessons plans on climate change for undergraduate syllabi.

Location : : Ramanujan Lecture Theatre, FLAME University.