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A Roundtable on "Learning Through Archives"
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Monday, December 02, 2019, 11:00am - 01:00pm
Conference / Symposium


Participatory practices, such as archival research, engage collaborative inquiry and encourage a focus on primary sources in shaping public debates. Given the increased acccess to archives through digitization, accessibility through new media offers opportunities to transcribe and re-mix histories that have often laid dormant. Archival access can help greatly in developing new perspectives and understandings in many disciplines. This roundtable is a conversation across history, sociology, theatre, literature and art in an effort to better understand the relevance of a diverse array of archives in several memory institutions--biographical, corporate, crowdsourced, instititional and nationally curated collections--as sources for teaching and learning.


Dr. Aparna Vaidik (Ashoka University), Dr. Ashutosh Potdar(FLAME), Dr. Dinyar Patel (University of South Carolina), Dr. Kasturi Gupta (Yale University), Dr. Maya Dodd (FLAME) and Dr. Venkat Srinivasan (NCBS)

Location : Chandragupta Learning Commons C and D