FLAME Upskill is a series of exclusive workshops for high school students on interdisciplinary topics from various fields spanning humanities, sciences, artificial intelligence, communication, sports and arts amongst others. The series will focus on helping high school students develop crucial skills necessary for a journey of lifelong learning. The series has been conceptualized as a reflection of the liberal education ethos practiced and delivered at FLAME University. Participants will receive a Letter of Participation from FLAME University as an appreciation of their efforts during the workshop. These workshops will be conducted for a limited number of participants and selection will be done on a first-come-first-serve basis.
For the first workshop, we bring to you:
The Special Effect of Cinema before VFX
Saturday, 12th September, 2020 | 04.00 pm to 05.30 pm
A desire to record movement drove the earliest experiments in cinema, giving rise to the term motion pictures. For a time, the camera’s ability to picture real time events captivated audiences around the world. It was the discovery of editing however that would ensure the longevity of cinema. In the world’s first film school, in Moscow, students and faculty experimented with different editing techniques that have endured to this day. In this workshop, you’ll learn about the historical development of ‘soviet montage’ (or ‘discontinuity editing’), its persistence in contemporary cinema and experiment in producing your own micro montages.
Pre-requisites for the workshop :
Please download Openshot video editor and familiarise yourselves with how to edit basic clips together.
Please take a photograph - from the shoulders up - of somebody you know. The person's facial expression should be clearly visible. The image can be candid or staged but should have an uncluttered background.
Please watch this tutorial 'How to set duration of an image in openshot' -