The Smart City and Cultural Heritage Team of FLAME University is pleased to invite you for an online workshop on the topic
“Smart city transformation: A spatio-cultural study of Pune”
The objective of this workshop is to collaborate with key stakeholders from the government and the citizens on a single platform, gain detailed insights and develop collaborative ways to take forward our research exploring connections between the city’s culture, citizen belongingness and the Smart Cities Mission, with Pune city as a case study. The workshop engages with eminent personalities of Pune city, possessing expertise in fields such as science, heritage conservation, sustainable development, participatory governance and administration, all working for Pune’s development. The workshop aims to bring out nuanced discussions on the Smart Cities Mission that is shaping urban development today.
Zoom Meeting link: https://zoom.us/j/98354986488?pwd=cnRTZ09kZjlldnFpWVhtMHNvb05mUT09
(no registration required)