FLAME University


Where Knowledge Meets Experience, and Connections Turn into Opportunities

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FLAME Investment Lab | Elements of Self-Leadership with Saurabh Madaan
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From Friday, December 09, 2022 -  09:00am
To Sunday, December 11, 2022 - 05:00pm

FLAME was founded with the concept of liberal education as its cornerstone. FLAME celebrates ideas, cherishes diversity, and strives to deliver an academic experience that fosters intellectual curiosity, a critical thought process, self-reflection, leadership and teamwork skills, a sense of commitment and professionalism and a heightened sensitivity to one’s sociocultural environment. FLAME aims to provide an interdisciplinary platform of education by propagating different models and paradigms through, but not limited to, history, philosophy, political sciences, psychology, business, economics, mathematics and finance.

As part of its endeavor to constantly redefine education, FLAME inducted the FLAME Investment Lab (FIL), an initiative that strives to deliver the concepts and decipher the art of value investing to interested students. FIL believes in the dictum “invest in yourself”. It provides tools for self-learning and acquiring knowledge, constantly striving for intellectual stimulation and asking questions. FIL strives to widen your horizons, aiding you to connect the dots within seemingly disparate information. FIL truly believes that the best investment is investing in yourself. As Socrates has said, “I cannot teach anybody anything. I can only make them think.”

After successfully hosting multiple FLAME Investment Lab programs, we are excited to announce the ‘FLAME Investment Lab - Elements of Self-Leadership with Saurabh Madaan’, from December 9 - December 11, 2022.

his leadership program is focused on research-based findings about self-development, teams and organizational culture. It will cover how strengths, values, team structure and execution frameworks play a critical role in success. The focus is more on leading from within, in alignment and harmony with one’s values and strengths. This program will include valuable pre-work for the benefit of each participant.

For details, please visit: https://www.flame.edu.in/academics/flame-investment-lab/other-programs/elements-of-self-leadership/december-2022.
