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A session on "Lying for Votes" by Dr. Subhasish Dugar
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Tuesday, March 21, 2023, 09:30am - 11:00am
Lecture / Reading / Talk
The FLAME Center for Economics & Public Policy (CEPP) cordially invites you to join a talk on "Lying for Votes" by Dr. Subhasish Dugar.
About the event: To what extent do pivotal nonpartisan voters believe and act upon potentially deceptive messages from partisan voters who privately observe candidates’ ex-ante fitness-for-office attributes? How do nonpartisan voters’ responses to messages vary with changing odds of candidates’ ex-ante suitability for office? This talk derives contrasting predictions regarding pivotal nonpartisan voters’ reactions to possibly untruthful messages across two-candidate voting competitions and tests them in the laboratory. We find that the partisan voters lie substantially more when candidates possess unequal than equal ex-ante odds of performing better in office. The inferior (superior) candidate’s base transmits more unfavorable (favorable) lies about their opponent (own) candidate. Facing candidates with different fitness-for-office odds, the nonpartisan voters largely ignore the message and vote for the ex-ante superior candidate. Yet, voting efficiency is lower in the competition with differentiated than undifferentiated candidates. We develop a behavioral framework, including lying aversion, to explain key features of our data.
About the speaker: Prof. Subhasish Dugar is an Associate Professor of Economics at the University of Utah, USA. Before joining the University of Utah, Prof. Dugar was an Associate Professor in Economics at the University of Calgary, Canada.
Prof. Subhasish's research and teaching interests include Psychology & Economics, Laboratory & Field Experiments, Applied Game Theory, Micro Theory, Norms & Economics, Managerial Economics, and Economics of Organizations. He has extensively worked in several aspects of Behavioral Economics, and his papers are published in top-tier economics journals. The profile links of Prof. Subhasish Dugar with a detailed list of his publications are shown below: