About the event: Accurately predicting weather is a complex task due to the many factors that influence weather patterns, including atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity, wind, and precipitation. Small changes in any of these variables can lead to significant changes in weather conditions, making it challenging to predict with absolute certainty. Due to the large degrees of freedom involved, there is a limit of the deterministic predictability of weather. In this talk we will discuss some modeling techniques developed to resolve some of these difficulties, as well as the importance of satellite data in obtaining improved weather prediction.
About speaker: Dr. Pradip Pal is a former Deputy Director at the Space Applications Centre - ISRO. He did his PhD at the People's Friendship University in Moscow and joined SAC thereafter. Dr. Pal's research expertise is in Numerical Weather Prediction (NWP) and he was instrumental in developing and enhancing NWP capabilities at ISRO over the course of his 30-year career at ISRO.