FLAME University


Susanne Monninger
UG Student | DHBW
Semester abroad @ FLAME University, India

I enjoyed my stay in India at FLAME University very much, even though the beginning was not as easy as expected. Especially the culture and the people impressed me very much, as it was a very exciting and interesting change to the usual Germany and a great experience. Apart from the cultural experience, I have also been able to improve my English skills and have also developed personally very much. However, with the knowledge I have now after my stay, I can only recommend this university and the country of India to those who already have a good or very good knowledge of English, as the demands of the university are very high and therefore a good basis is necessary. You should also be aware that the effort is not very low and compared to the DHBW is in my opinion much higher. However, by the several achievements of the individual courses one can achieve a good final mark more easily by diligence and engagement and thus improve his average overall a little bit (in my case). Basically, I am very grateful to have had this experience and, besides new friends on the other side of the world, I have learned a lot and can recommend a stay abroad to everyone!