Students of any domain, more so business management, need to maintain a high degree of knowledge of current events and their implications. This helps them to prepare for their placement selection processes but the more important objective is to relate academic lessons to real life events. If this is done on an on-going basis, from an early stag and habitually, then it leads to better aware professionals.
The importance of imbibing such knowledge is obvious; but the ones who take on the responsibility of the dissemination are quite definitely the heroes. Most premier institutions leave this initiative to the student body in order to develop capabilities within students and also so that the propagation doesn’t appear to be one-way instruction. Working selflessly for the continuous improvement of peers, this set of student organizers attempts to understand student requirements, designs the tools required for gathering information, edits the same for consumption, and figures out the dissemination mechanisms that maximize effectiveness.
At FLAME University ‘Dare2Discuss’ (D2D) is one such student-led forum that enhances peer-to-peer learning and knowledge sharing experience. It also acts as the bridge between students and corporates. The group organizes discussions, debates, case study analysis, guest talks and other events that discuss threadbare issues important to the business world. D2D was formed in December 2019 and in its short existence has already conducted five sessions on various current topics.
The six students behind D2D from the FLAME MBA Class are:

Aniket Patil: A proactive Marketing student, with a keen interest in the field of sales, Aniket is putting his knowledge and experience as a quizzer to good use in D2D.

Kalpit Bhawnani: Hailing from a business family, Kalpit has plans to start a venture of his own. He is excelling in different aspects of Digital Marketing, Strategizing, and Product Management right from campus.

Mayank Choraria: A student of Finance, Mayank’s competence in numbers and reasoning make him suitable for planning D2D events. A true believer in the importance of content/value more than packaging, he has entrepreneurial ambitions.

Purvi Jain: Fascinated by the growing digital world, Purvi aspires to become an ethical Brand Strategist. She has opted for an Advertising and Branding Major and strongly believes in the process of constant learning and unlearning.

Sanjana Chandrasekaran: A budding HR Professional with an interest in training, she is a perfect fit for D2D’s activities.

Winnie Lodha: Brand building, product management and development of business strategies are her interest areas and at D2D she takes care of social media, event planning, and content curation.