FLAME University


Everything you need to know

Ethics are moral principles that govern the conduct of individuals. Research ethics provide guidelines for the  responsible conduct of research including collection of data, its analysis, dissemination and further storage  and retrieval of research data. Research ethics are important for both their educational and monitoring roles  to ensure that all research is conducted to a high ethical standard.

There are various disciplines and programs at FLAME University which involve the participation of human  subjects or have an impact on them or on the wider society and environment. Therefore, it is essential that all  researchers, including Faculty, students and staff researchers understand ethical issues and the implications  of their work and act accordingly.

For making ethical judgment, researchers typically rely on standards that are either universal or specific to  the culture or locations. It is ideal if researchers can share and discuss possible ethical implications of their  work and evolve collective standards of their own.

For further details regarding code of ethics in research, the university members and students may refer to the Institutional Review Board (IRB) policy document on my.flame.edu.in.