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Mental Health Leaves Build Productive Workplaces

www.businessmanager.in | August 1, 2024

In today's bustling workplaces, characterized by non-stop meetings, the constant chirp of emails, and the frequent beeps of the coffee machine, there's an often-neglected aspect that quietly lingers in the background: mental health. Recognizing the critical role of mental wellbeing and its direct impact on an organization's productivity is essential for both the growth of the company and the welfare of its employees. The World Health Organization (WHO) asserts that mental wellbeing is not just a luxury but a fundamental right for workers. It's crucial for managing stress, reducing turnover, and avoiding conflicts within the workplace. Without adequate attention to mental health, employees' efficiency may suffer, leading to higher absenteeism rates and limiting the organization's capacity for development (World Health Organization, 2022).

The Reality of Deteriorating Mental Health of Employees

A survey by The Associated Chambers of Commerce and Industry of India (ASSOCHAM)  has shown that about 40% of the Indian working population (between ages 21-35)  in the private sector are suffering from Depression or Generalized Anxiety Disorder (Zachariah, 2022). Mental health issues stand as a primary cause for extended absences from work globally. This situation stems less from the prevalence of mental disorders themselves and more from how workplaces perceive and manage mental health and its influence on employee output (Milligan-Saville et al., 2017). Several factors can trigger workplace mental health decline such as long working hours, high workload, negative team dynamics and toxic work environments (Deloitte, 2022), inadequate compensation, lack of inclusivity, insufficient work-life balance (World Health Organization, 2022), relationship issues, and personal losses and so on.

Poor mental health can trigger social isolation, diminished self-worth, and financial strain (Milligan-Saville et al., 2017). When long working hours leave little to no time for self-care and stress-busting recreational activities, this often results in increased stress levels and sometimes even symptoms of burnout, which are commonly identified by low energy levels, cynicism towards one’s work and workplace and reduced productivity (World Health Organization, 2020). Given the limitations of treatments focused merely on symptoms, experts suggest that companies playing a proactive role in crafting effective support and management strategies for their employee's mental health can yield considerable advantages for both individuals and the organisation (Milligan-Saville et al., 2017). Therefore, it is critical for businesses to acknowledge the importance of mental health leaves as a fundamental step towards supporting their workforce. 

Why Mental Health Leaves becomes the need of the hour?

Implementing mental health leaves represents a pivotal shift toward valuing personal well-being in the workplace, giving employees the essential space to either enjoy solitude or cherish time with loved ones. Such policies not only cultivate a culture that deeply values mental well-being but also reduce the financial impacts of reduced productivity. It sets the stage for a supportive environment where open discussions about mental health are not just welcomed but actively encouraged, leading to increased job satisfaction and lower turnover rates among employees who feel emotionally and physically secure at their workplace (Today, 2023; Chaudhary, 2017; Greenwood & Anas, 2021).

Mental health leaves extend beyond employee well-being and also significantly benefit the organization. Poor mental health among employees costs Indian employers around USD 14 billion annually in absenteeism, lower productivity and attrition (Deloitte's Mental Health Survey, 2022). So, investing in employee happiness will only lead to better organizational productivity and lower healthcare costs. 

Furthermore, mental health leaves do more than boost productivity and efficiency; they challenge and dismantle the stigmas surrounding mental health. Such policies empower employees to openly prioritize their mental well-being, fostering a workplace where taking time for mental health is not only accepted but celebrated.

Implementing Mental Health Leaves and Beyond

It is important to perceive mental health leaves not as a ‘job perk’ but as a vital mechanism to encourage workplace well-being and to catalyze organizational efficiency. Deloitte's study on Mental Health and Wellbeing in the Workplace, 2022, concludes that it is crucial to institutionalize mental health sick days to promote overall employee satisfaction (Chaudhary, 2017). 

Structural modifications are vital for seamlessly inculcating mental health leaves in workplaces. Existing leave policies should be reviewed to integrate a clear provision for mental health leave. The nature of these leaves should be flexible enough so employees can take charge of their well-being (Shah, n.d.). Moreover, employees ought to be trained and provided with resources like appropriate workshops, counselling services, etc., to recognise the signs of mental health challenges for themselves and their colleagues and subordinates, respond empathetically and be supportive (Chaudhary, 2017).

When employee well-being and satisfaction are slowly gaining importance, mental health leaves are a progressive solution for companies to promote a supportive work culture that better equips employees to tackle everyday challenges at work and perform to their full potential, paving the way for sustained organisational growth. 

Authors: Asmita Ramdhave is in 2nd year of pursuing major in Psychology in the Department of Psychological Sciences at FLAME University
Prisha Khanna is in 2nd year of pursuing major in Psychology in the Department of Psychological Sciences at FLAME University
Dr. Moulika Mandal is an assistant professor of psychology at FLAME University with a Ph.D. from IIT Bombay. 


(Source:- https://www.businessmanager.in/mental-health-leaves-build-productive-workplaces/ )