FLAME University


A flavour of the FLAME fervor


  1. Entrepreneurship Lab

    The session will introduce young minds to entrepreneurship as a concept. It will focus on how entrepreneurs think, how youngsters can create and develop ideas and how they can convert ideas to action.

  2. Media Literacy

    The session will cover basics of Media Literacy and will provide an understanding of consequences of disinformation in democracies. The session will also briefly delve into frameworks used to deconstruct media messages and will include case studies of fact checkers working on curbing fake news.

  3. Acting Basics

    The session will focus on basic tools of acting such as body language, voice and speech. Students will learn how to use these tools effectively to create an illusion of time and space.

  4. Hit the Road - A Financial Adventure

    Using gaming as a pedagogical tool, this session will help students to understand the importance of planning, how to earn funds, what jobs to undertake based on chosen qualifications, recording transactions as well as their learning as to what they did right and what could have been avoided. Students will learn the three principles of debit and credit under Real account, Personal account and Nominal account.

  5. The exciting world of Data Visualization

    The session will tell you what data visualization exactly is. It will teach you how to find the right data for your academic research and essays, how to create exciting charts and graphs and where to find data and tools to make them. We will be working with data and there will be class-based assignments to create charts, understand good-bad graphs, and know more about data journalism, timeline tools and learn to create interactive data visualizations.

  6. Understanding Conditionals: Unlocking the Power of Decision Making in Computer Science

    This session gives an introduction to the concept of conditional statements in computer programming. We start by looking at the concept of a variable, and how different types of data can be stored in these variables. We then introduce conditional statements, and discuss how they are used to make decisions in a program, and how they are used to control the flow of a computer program. The session is designed to engage with students at a conceptual level even if they have no prior coding experience.

  7. Interactive-X

    The session provides students with an introduction to the field of user experience (UX) design, which is a critical aspect of creating effective and engaging digital products. Through this session, students will learn about the different components of UX design, including its purpose, process, principles, and key concepts. The session will cover various topics related to UX design, including the fundamental principles of designing for users and understanding their needs and preferences. Students will learn how to wireframe an idea, which involves creating a visual representation of the product's layout and content to better understand how it will look and function. They will also learn how to create low-fidelity prototypes with Figma, a popular design tool used by UX designers to create digital prototypes quickly and easily.

  8. Demystifying Science of Happiness

    Happiness is something we all experience at various occasions in our daily life. Ever wondered where this feeling emerges from? Wouldn't it be interesting to know why and how we feel happiness? This session will help students understand the scientific basis of happiness from multiple lenses within psychology. The session will involve simple ways to help students learn several techniques and positive practices to improve one's happiness and well-being.

  9. Marketing

    Marketing is the function that examines consumer needs and seeks to influence and satisfy their demands through the company's products. Marketers develop strategies and marketing tactics to transform their products from a concept to a product in the hands of the customer, who not only uses them but also recommends them to other customers in the marketplace. Discover this interesting management function that exists for the customer!

  10. Climate Change and Pandemics - Converging threats

    This session will challenge students to understand the converging threat posed by a changing climate and its potential to expose humans to pathogens from the near and distant past, a challenge that could prove more serious than even COVID-19. The module will include a lecture, class-discussion of key concepts and online discussion board. 

  11. Philosophy in Everyday Life

    Philosophy is not only thinking deeply about significant abstract issues, but also engaging with daily activities in a philosophical manner. Some questions we deal with regularly bring out interesting philosophical discussions: Is it okay to lie for my best friend? When everyone is telling me what to do, how do I truly know what's best for me? When I turn 18, have I changed enough to make important decisions in my life? These questions can be answered common-sensically and philosophically. In this session, we will explore philosophical engagement with such everyday questions.

  12. Introduction to Literary and Cultural Studies

    LCS is an interdisciplinary field that examines how cultural practices and meaning are formed in a society over a period of time. Have you ever deeply thought of culture? What does culture mean? In this interactive session, we will look at advertisements, songs, photos-images and stories all around us to understand why culture matters.

  13. The Fast and Fun Way to Learn German

    This session aims at introducing the German language and seeks to impart basic knowledge of the German language. The module will focus on introducing German culture and provide a framework for acquiring survival communication skills in the language.

  14. Calligraphy

    Being one of the popular forms of art, the session on Calligraphy will teach students how to write Roman letter forms, create compositions with circular, angular and extended strokes of alphabets.  Students will be able to write poems with these calligraphic expressions.

  15. Where to put your data: Understanding Arrays and Data Structures

    This session explores the concept of arrays and data structures in computer programming by engaging with the following questions: What are Data Structures?  How are they used to store and organize data? How can they be used to enhance the functionality and readability of code?

  16. ThinkLab

    Students will understand the principles of creative thinking and its significance in various aspects of life. Creative thinking is an essential skill that enables individuals to come up with innovative solutions to complex problems. It plays a crucial role in problem-solving, innovation, and personal growth. During the session, the students will be engaged in various fun and interactive exercises that are intended to help them expand their imaginations. These exercises are designed to help students break out of their traditional ways of thinking and to think outside the box. They will learn how to approach problems from different angles and perspectives, leading to more creative and effective solutions.

  17. Film Appreciation and Film Making

    This session gives a basic introduction to understanding films and film making.  Students will understand the process of reading and analyzing films. Sum of the processes that constitute filmmaking will be elaborated upon. The session will involve viewing some film clips to illustrate the same.

  18. Cartoonology

    Students will be exposed to a range of key concepts, tools, and techniques that are essential for successful animation creation. The session will start with an introduction to the fundamentals of animation, including the basic principles of animation, such as timing, spacing, and squash and stretch, and the different types of animation, such as 2D, 3D, and stop-motion animation. The students will be introduced to software tools that are commonly used in the animation industry to create animations. They will have developed their storytelling and idea-generation skills, and they will be able to create basic animations using industry-standard software. 

  19. Rural Immersion

    The field trip to a nearby village exposes students to village life. Students get to see the Gram Panchayat in that village, visit a local government school, a public health center or a hospital, any other government body present in that village, and visit a farm. The rural visit opens discussion about current issues in the village, primary source of income, understanding of government structures operating in the village and seasonal crops grown in the village. 

  20. Dance Mystique

    Dance has been defined by many in various ways. It is a visual music for someone at the same time a hidden language of the soul for the other. The session will let one experience the greatest joy of movement, feel the space, enjoy the energy and find 'the new you' while moving through the music. The session will introduce Dance and Movement in the context of Indian and Contemporary Dance.