Bibekananda Mishra is a Postdoctoral Research Fellow in the Department of Operations and Analytics at FLAME University, Pune. He was a previous Research Scholar in the Department of Industrial and Systems Engineering at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Kharagpur, India. He earned his Bachelor of Technology (B. Tech) in Mechanical Engineering from Veer Surendra Sai University of Technology, Burla (formerly known as UCE, Burla) in 2008 and his Master of Technology (M. Tech) in Industrial Design in 2014 from Maulana Azad National Institute of Technology (MNIT), Bhopal. He worked as a lecturer at the Synergy Institute of Engineering & Technology, Dhenkanal, for almost three years after his B.Tech. degree. He worked as an assistant professor at Gandhi Engineering College, Bhubaneswar, for one year and six months before joining the PhD programme in 2016. He is a life member of the Indian Society for Technical Education. He was a student of different societies during the PhD journey, such as POMS and IISE. He served as a student president in the society of the Institute of Industrial and Systems Engineering (IISE), IIT Kharagpur chapter, and achieved a gold award from the society during 2018-2019. Some of the preliminary contributions of his research work have already been published in reputed journals, such as ‘International Journal of Production Research’ (Taylor & Francis). His current research work has been communicated to some reputed journals, like IJQRM. His areas of interest include servitization, multi-criterial decision making, operation management, graph theory, and simulation modelling. He has served as a reviewer for reputed journals such as the International Journal of Production Research, the International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management, the International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management, and OPSEARCH.
Notable Publications:
- Mishra, B., Mahanty, B., & Thakkar, J. J. (2023). Analyzing barriers and their causal relationship of sustainable servitization of automobile industry. International Journal of Quality Reliability & Management (Under Review).
- Mishra, B., Mahanty, B., & Thakkar, J. J. (2023). The failure modes of servitization of manufacturing industry; A perspective from Indian automobile industry. POMS India International Conference 2023, organized by POMS India Chapter, held at XLRI Jamshedpur from 4-6 December, 2023.
- Pulok Ranjan Mohanta, Bibekananda Mishra, & Biswajit Mahanty (2022). Application of Industry 4.0 in Sustainability of Servitized Manufacturer. Application of Engineering, Technology, Management for Sustainable Manufacturing Sector, 1, 38-60, World Leadership Academy. ISSN: 978-93-94318-00-7.
- Bibekananda Mishra, Vilas Warudkar (2013). Service development using QFD Methodology: A case study of the library. National Conference on Frontiers in Mechanical Engineering (FIME -2013), August 29 – 31.
- Mishra, B., Mahanty, B., & Thakkar, J. J. (2021). A quantifiable quality enabled servitisation model: benchmarking Indian automobile manufacturers. International Journal of Production Research, 59(9), 2667-2689. DOI: 10.1080/00207543.2020.1736721