FLAME University


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In the Department of Physical and Natural Sciences, introductory courses are offered across the disciplines of Biology, Chemistry, Ecology, Geography, Mathematics, Physics and Statistics.

From this department, we offer three majors: Environmental Studies, Applied Mathematics and Computer Science.


The Program in Environmental Studies (EVS) provides students with a comprehensive understanding of varied environmental issues using an interdisciplinary approach that synthesizes an understanding of the science as well as the socio-economic implications of these issues. It focuses on the study of various environmental issues such as climate change and global warming; contamination and pollution of the environment; food and energy needs; and the sociocultural, economic and political relationships between man and the environment.

The Environmental Studies major combines understanding of natural sciences, physical sciences and social sciences to equip students to develop a critical understanding of the environment and significant environmental issues through the study of both scientific concepts as well as their sociocultural, economic and political implications. The courses are designed to include laboratory, field and project-based experiences.

The Program specific courses introduce students to basic concepts in the fields of Physics, Chemistry, Biology, Ecology, Earth Sciences and Environmental Studies; which then forms that basis of their advanced training in the areas of Climate Change, Biodiversity documentation and Conservation Biology, Remote Sensing and Environmental Impact Assessment.

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The Applied Mathematics program at FLAME University deals with those fields of mathematics that are fundamental to the modeling and simulation of phenomena straddling diverse disciplines of the physical and natural sciences, the social sciences, and business. The program teaches students to analyze a real-world problem in mathematical terms (also known as Mathematical Modeling), and to use analytical and computational techniques to then solve such problems.

This major teaches students to become adept in the use of mathematical techniques along these lines. In an initial sequence of courses, certain essential principles are understood. At the intermediate level, the theoretical foundation is strengthened by introducing subjects that form the backbone of Applied Mathematics, while also introducing the students to some of the fields of application. At the advanced level students are taught advanced computational techniques.

The program prepares the student to specialize in fields such as Applied Mathematics, Economics, Finance, Statistics, Optimization, and Environment sciences among others. Equipped with modeling and computational skills, a student can pursue research not only in the conventional Applied Mathematics areas but also in any area that requires mathematical modeling and computational proficiency such as modeling in Biology, Ecology, Social Sciences, Actuarial Sciences and Finance.