The Economics specialisation aims to expose students to the theoretical, analytical frameworks and policy within the discipline of Economics. This specialisation enables students to rationalize through analytical frameworks, evaluate empirical evidence and develop a critical approach to understanding interactions between theory and policy. Through this specialisation students will examine a range of questions: How businesses compete and manage to survive in a globalized economy? What are the main drivers of the economy and how are policies formulated to promote growth and development with a minimum degree of inequality across the country? What is the importance of taxation and government expenditure, and its impact on the growth of the economy? How mathematical models are used to explain economic phenomenon?
*Interdisciplinary major. Not offered as minor. Only offered as major. No minor combination possible.
The internet revolution has brought about radical changes in the way we lead our lives. The digital tsunami has inundated us with information from sources as diverse as biology, sensors, video streams, medical images, consumer behaviour, internet search and has led to unique insights and increased outcomes in the quality of life. The data revolution has been made possible by increasing computing speeds facilitated by advances in efficient computational algorithms for timely processing and analysis. Data continues to be created at an exponential pace and its complexity continues to increase. The traditional methods of data analysis such as Mathematics and Statistics cannot handle this deluge of information which has necessitated the genesis of an interdisciplinary field to tackle the emerging challenges. This field, broadly labelled Data Science, is broadly an amalgamation of Mathematics, Statistics, Applied Sciences, and Computer Science and draws from them an appreciation and practical utility of mathematical, computational, and scientific principles to understand and solve problems of practical interest.
The Psychology specialisation focuses on the study of diverse aspects of human behavioural patterns and functioning of the mind. It guides students through various empirical approaches to understand the complexities and processes of the human mind. This specialisation prepares students for graduate study in any of the specialized fields of Psychology. It enables students to develop a critical understanding of the major concepts, themes, theoretical frameworks and methodology of the discipline.
Sociology as a discipline deals with a systematized study of society, using macro and micro approaches towards understanding societies; social relationships, institutions, processes, structures, issues, policies, movements, and organizations. It helps in cultivating sociological imagination, drawing connections between social structure and phenomena, and equips the learner with a ‘sociological lens’. The centrality of this discipline as a core social science lies in the fact that it enables the learners to raise questions like how significant is a particular process or issue in the social world? How does a particular phenomenon manifest itself across societies? What kind of explanations can be constructed to explain these facts? Hence it facilitates a translation of broader areas of interest into research-based modes of inquiry.
The Literary and Cultural Studies (LCS) Specialization aims to expose students to the study of various literatures and cultural aspects such as visual art, religion, music, historical traditions, law and communities. Drawing upon the concepts and theoretical frameworks from different disciplines such as literature, history, visual studies, musicology and sociology, this specialization enables students to evaluate varied perspectives to the study of literature, and cultural forms specific to gender, identity, nationality, religion and worldview. Through this interdisciplinary approach the students will examine a range of questions: What are different literary generes and how are they analyzed? What are the main trends in English Literature from the Elizabethian Age to Modernism? How is literature reflective of contemporary cultural milieu? What is culture? How are different cultural forms shaped, adapted and evolved in varied cultural contexts? How and why do issues of gender, nationality and identity impact cultural patterns and worldviews?
*Only offered as minor.
The minor in philosophy introduces students to fundamental questions about the world and our place in it, including questions about truth, knowledge, reality, reason, mind, beauty, morality. The minor in philosophy introduces students to fundamental questions about the world and our place in it, including questions about truth, knowledge, reality, reason, mind, beauty, morality, religion, and culture. Students in the minor will learn how to systematically investigate these questions with logic, argumentation, and understanding of the ideas of philosophers who have gone before. They will gain insight into what kind of world we live in, what it means to be a person, whether we have free will, what makes for a good life, etc. They will be able to communicate this insight with clarity and persuasiveness both verbally and in writing.
The International Studies specialisation aims to provide students with a firm grasp on the theoretical and operational underpinnings of the international system. Being grounded in the discipline of International Relations, the specialisation draws from the disciplines of Political Science, History, Sociology, Anthropology, Economics, Public Policy and Culture Studies to provide students with a comprehensive understanding of ‘the political’. Thus students are not only equipped to grasp complexities of their subject matter but also make informed decisions while eventually specializing in their chosen field. Students rationalize through analytical frameworks, evaluate empirical evidence, appreciate varied standpoints and develop a critical approach to not just inter-state relations, but also intra-state and supra-state issues and how each of these levels of analysis impact each other.
The specialisation in Environmental Studies (EVS) provides students with a comprehensive understanding of environmental issues using an interdisciplinary approach. The specialisation focuses on the study of various environmental issues, including climate change and global warming; contamination and pollution of the environment; food and energy needs; conservation science; and, the sociocultural, economic and political relationships between man and the environment.
As a discipline, Public Policy is the study of what governments choose to do in response to public concerns, how they arrive at those choices, and how we may improve the tools, processes and institutions involved. In academic terms that translates into a set of very specific skills, from being able to define a policy problem and assess it from legal, political and economic perspectives to imagining and offering solutions within a set of constraints.
The Journalism specialisation is designed for developing independent-thinking, creative, effective and responsible professionals in the field of Journalism and Media Studies. The specialisation focuses on traditional journalism skill such as reporting, interviewing, fact checking, writing and multimedia storytelling. The curriculum of Journalism covers areas like Print, Broadcast, Online Journalism, Media History and Communication Theories. Students are expected to learn news gathering, news writing and editing for various media platforms.
Mathematics finds applications in some of the most diverse areas of human knowledge. The Applied Mathematics specialisation at FLAME is designed to expose students to those fields of Mathematics that are fundamental to the Modelling and Simulation of phenomena straddling diverse disciplines such as those in the Physical and Natural sciences, the social sciences, and in business.
The past few decades have witnessed technological development at a pace unmatched in the history of mankind primarily enabled by rapid advances in computational technologies. There is no aspect of modern life which is untouched by computers. From medical procedures to stocking the fridge, computers are ubiquitous in their presence. As artificial intelligence makes rapid inroads and is threatening to govern every aspect of our lives, it becomes imperative that the study of computer science requires not just understanding of the mathematical and physical aspect of computation but also builds a strong foundation in other disciplines to understand the limitations and ramifications of the adoption of newer methods of computation. This requires that the new generation of computer scientists are trained not only in the core area of computer sciences but also are aware of the disciplines that informs it and the areas that it influences while having the design sensibilities and entrepreneurial energy to build truly great products and make an indelible impact on society.
* Interdisciplinary majors. Not offered as minors. Only offered as majors. No minor combination possible.
Technology, more specifically, computers are an integral part of our lives and are here to stay. This has been fuelled by exponential growth in technological development and innovation which is unmatched in history. There is no aspect of modern life which is untouched by computers. From medical procedures to stocking the fridge, computers are ubiquitous in their presence. The interaction between humans and computers is being recognised as one of the most important areas of technological development. Newer computational methods such as artificial intelligence and machine learning have made rapid inroads in mapping and predicting human behaviour and physical systems. Computer Science today is not only about programming but requires cross-disciplinary tools to make systems and processes more efficient. This requires that the new generation of computer scientists are trained not only in the core areas of computer science but also have practical knowledge of the disciplines that informs it and the areas that it influences.
Finance is central to many of the critical activities that make up our free-market economy. The Courses in Finance Area provide students with an understanding of the financial and legal dimensions of business, including a strong foundation in corporate finance, investments, money and capital markets, and personal financial planning.
Marketing as a field of study has grown from initially being a critical aspect to currently the core of businesses. The emergence of marketing, as we see today, is a result of several eras of evolutionary processes. Marketing as a subject is an amalgamation of several other organic areas of study like economics, sociology, psychology, and study of changing patterns in the anthropology of specific cultures. It makes the subject quite dynamic and demands the students of this subject to be highly vigilant of the happenings in the surrounding markets.
The massive advances made in computational technologies in recent decades has radically changed the way businesses operate. Data is being increasingly referred to as the new “oil”. Businesses can get access or have access to vast amounts of information about their operations, customers, and products. Interpreting this information to get actionable insights and turn them into productive and profitable business solutions requires trained professionals who are adept at utilizing this data. To meet the burgeoning demand for experts who are skilled in the use of technology, data analysis, and business processes for strategic decision making, the interdisciplinary area of Business Analytics has come into existence.
The specialisation in Human Resource Management provides the students an opportunity to pursue their academic interests in the subject of Human Resources. It focuses on the study of various aspects of business management especially focusing on the human resource or people while maintaining the significance of developing an understanding of core management functions. It introduces the various theoretical concepts of economics, accounting, business laws, marketing, finance and strategy which need to be considered during successful operation of any business in the contemporary world. The specialisation is designed to develop analytical thinking and a practical perspective among the management students and to go beyond mere exploration of the texts by viewing the various aspects of human behavior at the individual and group level, which impact the overall system i.e. organization.
The specialisation in Operations provides the students an opportunity to pursue their academic interests in the Area of Operations/Supply Chain Management (SCM). The area focuses on designing, operating, and improving the productive systems-the systems that produce and deliver products and/or services. Organizations perform transformational processes of various types, for example, physical (as in manufacturing), locational (as in transportation or warehousing), exchange (as in retailing), etc. The specialisation enables participants to ensure that these transformation processes are performed efficiently and that the output is of greater value than the sum of the inputs.
Entrepreneurship as a field of study has gained importance pursuant to the emphasis on creating innovative start-ups and the global success of start-ups across sectors and industries. Large companies are keen to support start-ups to develop solutions in an independent and free environment, away from the corporate culture and bureaucracy, in an agile manner which large companies may find difficult to pursue. Venture capitalists are also eager to invest in innovative start-ups and nurture them to achieve scale. Start-ups are known to have a high failure rate as entrepreneurs who are often domain experts, may not have the skills to create, manage, grow and scale a venture. The Entrepreneurship specialisation is designed to train the student to become a successful entrepreneur.
* Only available as a Major in the 3-year UG program. Not available as a minor.
This major covers the whole gamut of management areas, where students are also exposed to a wide range of core courses through which they achieve a holistic learning of Business administration.
The specialisation specific courses focus on refining the student's critical abilities by providing training in synthesis, critical analysis and exposure to the basic courses in business management. The courses are geared towards study of economics, accounting principles, and improving skills in the areas of quantitative analysis, business communication and Organizational Behavior. The course in marketing management aims to start developing the basic competencies in corporate marketing.
* Interdisciplinary major. Not offered as minor. Only offered as major. No minor combination possible.
The Design Management specialisation is a unique blend of design, technology and management. This specialisation develops the skills of investing in new ideas and offerings from the perspective of business and markets. The specialisation offers students a 360-degree view of managing creative people, ventures, products and services. Students will not only learn and acquire skills on general management, but also apply their creative ability gained through experiential learning in design and technology.
The objective of the Advertising and Branding specialisation is to expose students to the rigors of advertising and brand management and equip them to be able to manage the advertising and branding activities and pay attention to how brands are built and managed. This specialisation focuses on the study of diverse aspects of marketing efforts for an organisation to reach its target audience. The specialisation will expose students to various approaches critical to understand the complexities of business and the role of marketing and promotions in it. It would take them through the process of understanding marketing strategies and decision making and the role of advertising and branding. This specialisation prepares students for graduate study in any of the specialised fields of Marketing Communications. It enables students to develop a critical understanding of the major concepts, themes, theoretical frameworks and methodologies of the discipline.
The Digital Marketing and Communication (DMaC) specialization aims to provide knowledge, skills and perspective about the general field of marketing and marketing communication with specific inputs on Digital marketing and digital communication. In today’s world digital platforms for communication, search, interaction and purchase are gaining importance because of the increase in the penetration and a large number of activities getting transferred from the brick and mortar to the digital medium. This emerging trend has led to the launch of this specialization on digital marketing and communication.
The Film and Television Management specialisation of study is designed for developing independent-thinking, creative, effective and responsible professionals in the business of film and television.
The specialisation combines learning
*** Only available as a major if a student exits after three years.
This specialisation, which can be taken only as a major, is designed for developing independent-thinking, creative, effective and responsible professionals in the field of communication. It combines learning of management and business skills along with creative and technical skills, which is required to work in the real world, and understanding of basic concepts in sub-disciplines of communications management to develop a broad perspective.
*Only offered as minor.
Design is a broad word covering diverse domains from product, graphic, fashion, interior, game to even the most sought after design thinking. Design is the way to present a message in the most impactful manner and integrates analytical, aesthetic and functional aspects. It has an intrinsic path-finding approach (unlike conventional navigation) which makes the design process interesting as well as challenging. The proposed design minor would progressively build on the learnings and skills of the students creating a focus on one of the domains of design practice. The minor is aimed to be application oriented and leveraging the interdisciplinary potential of liberal education. It would complement many majors offered under Liberal education at FLAME University.
*Only offered as minor.
Dance education at FLAME challenges the existing practices of training in India, in order to offer a meaningful and relevant education to aspiring students at the undergraduate level. The specialisation is anchored in the philosophy of liberal education thereby pushing the boundaries of artistic practices. It enables students to understand and appreciate dance as an art form - as an human expression.
*Only offered as minor.
The Minor offered in Music at FLAME University is a unique combination of exposure, learning Music Practical and contextualizing Music as an important aspect of Human life in the Socio-cultural context within which it is created and developed. The Course work offered, thus tries to balance between developing Musical Competence on the one hand and also the sound understanding of the theoretical framework of Music as an Art form. Therefore, the courses include a couple of Survey courses to introduce Music in general and Indian and western traditions in particular. These are the Gateway courses for Music Minor. The other courses are Hindustani Vocal, Guitar, Tabala in the practical courses and History of Music, Western Art Music, Aesthetics of Music and Linguistic study of song text as four theory courses
** Only offered as minors.
“All the world's a stage, and all the men and women merely players,” Shakespeare famously said. Today, that part is getting more and more important. As time runs in dizzy circles, performing arts have acquired a meaning like never before. The rapidly evolving global economy demands a dynamic and creative workforce. The arts and its related businesses are responsible for billions in cultural exports for India. In fact, arts and performance are a country’s heritage and its greatest currency. The world needs people who think with the creative side of their brains. It enhances symbiotic thinking capabilities, not always thinking in the same paradigm, learning how to kick-start a new idea, or how to get a job done better, less expensively. Only then are we prepared to play our parts better in this theatre of dreams called the world.