FLAME University


Turning Passion to Purpose

The Journalism specialisation is designed for developing independent-thinking, creative, effective and responsible professionals in the field of Journalism and Media Studies. The specialisation focuses on traditional journalism skill such as reporting, interviewing, fact checking, writing and multimedia storytelling.  The curriculum of Journalism covers areas like Print, Broadcast, Online Journalism, Media History and Communication Theories. Students are expected to learn news gathering, news writing and editing for various media platforms.

The specialisation is designed to develop analytical, creative skills among the students and to sensitize them about the society and surrounding environment. Journalism thus offers an extensive understanding of Journalism along with insights into the field of mass media in general. Students are also trained in research methods that enable them to conduct research-oriented studies. 

At the introductory level the specialisation lays the foundation for study of subsequent higher-level courses. At the intermediate level, a strong theoretical and historical foundation is set by introducing subjects that form the backbone of Media and Communication while introducing the students to some of the applied fields. At the advanced level students are introduced to advanced journalistic skills and techniques. The specialisation also provides a real-life exposure to the students by taking a field project in the said discipline. The specialisation also prepares the student for graduate level courses in fields such as Communication, Social Science and Humanities and careers such as advertising, public relations, technical writing, corporate communication etc.


The Journalism Major and Minor intends to:

  • Create awareness about Mass Media and its importance in democracy
  • Provide students a well-grounded education in Journalism and Media Studies
  • Develop in students, basic skills of reporting, interviewing, fact checking writing and multimedia story telling
  • Impart skills required for effective communication using different media
  • Create a learning environment that supports overall personal growth.
  • Offer an exposure to basic concepts in Humanities, social sciences and arts to develop a broad perspective
  • Train students in Journalism and Media Studies for a career in Media, academics and research

MAJOR OUTCOMES: After successful completion of the Major, the student will be able to:

  • Understand and apply the principles and laws of freedom of speech and press
  • Demonstrate creative skills applicable to production and study of Journalism and Media Studies
  • Apply the latest reporting, writing and technical skills for various media platforms
  • Use effective techniques for conducting interviews, collecting information and writing narrative in clarity and style
  • Communicate orally and in writing, creative ideas/issues to a diverse audience
  • Demonstrate an understanding of caste, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and other forms of diversity in domestic society in relation to mass media
  • Develop deeper understanding in a focused area such as Development, Politics, Business, Environmental policy and global politics
  • Articulate research ideas and implement them by using and expanding the body of knowledge

MINOR OUTCOMES: After successful completion of the Minor, the student will be able to:

  • Understand and apply the principles and laws of freedom of speech and press
  • Apply the latest reporting, writing and technical skills for various media platforms
  • Use effective techniques for conducting interviews, collecting information and writing narrative in clarity and style
  • Communicate orally and in writing, creative ideas/issues to a diverse audience
  • Demonstrate an understanding of caste, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation and other forms of diversity in domestic society in relation to mass media
  • Develop deeper understanding in a focused area such as Development, Politics, Business, Environmental politics



Communication Theory Science, Health and Environmental Journalism Gender, Caste and Media
Introduction to Journalism Photo, Audio and Data Journalism Investigative Journalism
Writing for Media Documentary Research and Production Government and Public Affairs Reporting
Broadcast Journalism Media Law and Ethics Business of News Media
Communication Research Sports Journalism Advertising and PR
Culture and Communication Development Communication Political Economy of Media
Indian Polity and Governance Business Journalism New Media and Television Studies
Media Histories Lifestyle and Entertainment Journalism Graduation Project
Digital Journalism News Editing and Production  

Communication Theory

The 20th century has been the century of mass communication systems. Cinema, radio, television and now the internet have fundamentally transformed the way in which human societies communicate. However, media is routinely treated as something non-serious or simply ‘entertainment’ or at worst, devious. These positions need to be examined more critically. To understand the way the world works today, it is very crucial to undertake a deeper study of the structures, paradigms and institutions of communication.
The course aims to explain the development of media theories and how they link with historically important social and political events/issues. It seeks to acquaint students with the nature of communication processes; to develop a critical understanding of the strengths and limitations of basic theories of mass communication and the ability to apply those theories in research and everyday lives.

Introduction to Journalism

Print Journalism is considered to be the mother of Electronic and online journalism. Knowledge of newspaper journalism will, therefore, help the students understand various aspects of media practices and allied disciplines of communication and management.

Writing for Media

The course is focused on training students to become expert communicators in various fields of media as well as content creators. Students will be trained in writing for other communication sectors including Public Relations and Corporate Media. The course will also equip students with skills to create content for various niche websites. Students will also be trained to write content for mobile applications. The course will explore the similarities and the difference between writing news and creating content for other commercial platforms.

Broadcast Journalism

This course is designed for the study and practice of the basic elements of broadcast journalism and video production. The course will emphasize news-gathering, writing, video recording, editing, and the study of mass media. Students will learn the basic elements of news value and vocabulary specific to broadcast writing. They will also identify various news sources and use interview skills to create stories using video and editing software. This course also explores the world of digital video and television production. Students learn on professional equipment in a modern digital TV studio. Students work in collaborative teams to produce projects using cameras, while learning the basics of studio and field production, lighting and sound.

Communication Research

The Course will serve as an introduction to basic research in the Communication discipline. It will introduce students to the broad disciplinary and epistemological contours of the Communication discipline. The course will introduce students to several qualitative research methods in communication research. The course will address the importance of research not just in an academic context but also in the production of Film & TV, Journalism.

Culture and Communication

The course considers media industries and their relationship to culture and society, and an understanding of how communication works. The course is grounded in theory and will enable the students to make sense of the complex world that they inhabit. It attempts to understand the pivotal role of culture and communication in contemporary society. It looks at a variety of cultural practices through an interdisciplinary lens further exploring forms, institutions and effects of media. The course emphasizes the development of critical thinking and writing skills.

Indian Polity and Governance

Indian Polity and Governance provides students with an understanding of civic life, politics, and government, along with a short history of Indian government’s foundation and development. The course will explore the relations between the state, governance and development. A unique feature of the course will be its emphasis upon looking at specific contemporary debates in Indian Politics. Finally the students will get familiar with the structure of union and state governments as outlined in the Indian constitution and, the extra constitutional agencies like political parties.

Media Histories

This course focuses on the history of media and communication in India. Also it will discuss some of the most significant events in communication history- including development of communication technology, the media industry and its role and influence in society. Further the course will focus on the history of media and communication in India and its role and influence in the national movement and the post independent Indian state. Students who complete this course should gain a basic understanding of history and development of the mass media in India, and insight into how these developments affect today's media landscape.

Digital Journalism

Digital Journalism course introduces the students to the use of Internet Technologies and Digital Communication in journalism. It covers the study of news aggregators, news sites, and news apps. It also includes writing and publishing of blogs, creation and hosting of podcasts, and use of Twitter in journalism.

Science, Health and Environmental Journalism

The Science, Health and Environmental Journalism course familiarises students with science writing including breaking down complex science theories and studies published in reputed science journals into simple, interesting and relavent stories. The course also focuses on health journalism by highlighting award-winning health reportage from international news agencies. The course will also help students analyse data, understand policy guidelines and research material on the subject. With climate change concerns growing, this course will also equip students with the skills needed to report on environmental issues around the world.

Photo, Audio and Data Journalism

Specialised Reporting on Photo, Data and Online Radio course familiarises students with ideas of Photo Journalism, Data Journalism and Online Radio. This course introduces the students to using data as a source, and interviewing datasets using quantitative analysis and data visualization tools. The course will introduce reporters to the practice of data journalism in a busy newsroom, showcasing the importance of telling s story and how tools can help you to do. Photo Journalism acquaints students to the basic principles of photography and provides them with opportunities to apply those skills to the more specific practice of Journalistic photography.The emphasis of the pedagogy will be on the development of practical skills such as critical reading, writing, and effective communication with a general audience.

Documentary Research and Production

Documentary Research and production will expose students to the art of documentary filmmaking through the practical application of making a film. Grouped in teams, students will workshop, organize, shoot and edit a short documentary film. The course is formed of two sections; while the students will be informed of the history of the genre they will also make their own short documentary film. Students will learn interview technique, techniques for visualizing and shooting “b roll” footage, and how to construct narratives and stories through the integration of sound and images. Further, through screening and discussing a variety of historically significant documentary films, students will learn to define their own personal directorial approach to documentary filmmaking.

Media Law and Ethics

Freedom of speech and expression is consecrated and enshrined in constitutions around the world as it is in the constitution of India in the form of a fundamental right. The United Nations has declared it to be a human right. It is the right to communicate one's thoughts, opinions, ideas, etc., as also to impart knowledge and information. Freedom of speech and expression can take various forms such as, artistic, literary, musical, visual, etc.. and can be of various types namely academic, health, science, political, social, etc.. Freedom of speech and expression as well as communication enrich human life but also complicate it if misused. Laws enacted to prevent and punish such misuse are collectively termed 'Media Laws'.
Mediums of communication have transformed from the traditional to the digital making communication faster, cutting across geographical boundaries and triggering an information revolution, but this has also led to the infringement of other fundamental rights of citizens such as privacy and right to reputation, among others. New technology is posing new challenges, legal as well as ethical, to society, to each one of us and above all to media persons in the world. It is therefore essential for all who aspire to become media professionals to gain knowledge of both, the laws and the ethics of media. This course will ensure that students are well equipped, both legally and ethically, to be a part of the media revolution.

Sports Journalism

The course is focused on two specialised streams including business journalism and sports journalism, both of which have dedicated teams in every newsroom. The course will equip students with the skills needed to get started in the various fields of business journalism. Students will also gain an understanding of current business reporting practices and legal aspects of business reporting. Students will learn and demonstrate how to write business news and feature stories for print, broadcast and online media. The course will also develop students' skills to report and write on national and international sporting events. Students will also be trained in attending sports conferences and writing match reports. The course will also train students in broadcast sports journalism besides writing and reporting news and feature stories for print and online media. The pedagogy will place emphasis on development of practical skills of critical reading, writing, and effective communication with a general audience.

Development Communication

This course examines the roles of media and communication in development issues. It will critically assess the strategic use of communication and media tools in advancing the goals of social, cultural, and political change in a society like India. The courses also offer focus on contemporary development concerns, advocacy and communication for sustainable and inclusive social change. It explores the principles and practices of participatory development communication and the methodological implications when applying a participatory approach in development planning, implementation and evaluation. Field experiences are an essential part of the teaching-learning process and help students to acquire appropriate skill sets. The course prepares students to take up positions in government, development agencies, media houses, corporates engaged in social responsibility initiatives, market research organisations, teaching and administrative positions in educational institutions

Business Journalism

The course is focused on business journalism which has dedicated teams in every newsroom. The course will equip students with the skills needed to get started in the various fields of business journalism. Students will also gain an understanding of current business reporting practices and legal aspects of business reporting. Students will learn and demonstrate how to write business news and feature stories for print, broadcast and online media.The emphasis of the pedagogy will be on the development of practical skills such as critical reading, writing, and effective communication with a general audience.

Lifestyle and Entertainment Journalism

The course will focus on reporting on the fields of Government and public affairs as well as entertainment and lifestyle. Students will be introduced to the various aspects of government and public affairs news reporting and also entertainment and lifestyle reporting and writing. Students will also be familiarised with the functioning and structure of various government organisations. Students will be trained in writing about the entertainment and lifestyle industry. The course will offer an overview of government and policy affairs, film, fashion, food and music journalism among others. The course will cover the origins of public affairs and government relations and what they can achieve. Students will also be introduced to the art of critiquing different art forms including visual art and performance art. Students will learn how to report for various media including print, broadcast and digital media on these subjects. The pedagogy will place emphasis on development of practical skills of critical reading, writing, and effective communication with a general audience.

News Editing and Production

Students of journalism learn how to edit news and features, change headlines, prepare the page or web page layout and design. They also learn how to coordinate between the reporting, editorial desk, design and production departments. The emphasis of the pedagogy will be on the development of practical skills such as critical reading, writing, and effective communication with a general audience.

Gender, Caste and Media

This course introduces the conceptual landscape of gender and caste to the students. It familiarizes the students with the important debates on gender, caste and media historically and in the contemporary. The course will include socio-political understanding, reading form and content, representation, analyzing different media texts and political economy of media in the context of gender and caste. It will discuss the  debates on sexuality and the concept of intersectionality. The students will work with historical scholarly texts, popular culture texts, and media reportage (international, national and regional) for the course. They will gain the language to report about gender and caste, an understanding of the issues to be reported, the legal framework concerning gender and caste. The students are expected to develop an individual view point on these issues at the end of the course. They will gain the tool box to interrogate different media on the issues of gender and caste. This will enable them to be aware, sensitive and informed media professionals.

Investigative Journalism

This class aims to provide students a grounding on the fundamental tools of investigative reporting: How to procure and interpret public records and data; obtain information about individuals and groups using different sources; use social media for reporting and verification; and assess other information available pertaining to a case. Practical examples from media will be used to make the content more relevant, as well as techniques to improve communication, problem-solving, teamwork, and critical inquiry skills required in the industry.

Government and Public Affairs Reporting

The course will focus on reporting on the fields of Government and public affairs . Students will be familiarised with the functioning and structure of various government organisations. The course will offer an overview of government and policy affairs among others. The course will cover the origins of public affairs and government relations and what they can achieve. Students will learn how to report for various media including print, broadcast and digital media on these subjects.

Business of News Media

The Course will serve as an introduction to the business of news media and the transformations it went through owing to the digital turn. The course will acquaint students with the economics of the existing business models across news media industries. It will introduce the regulatory framework in which the news media operates and help students engage with the ethical aspects of News Media.

Advertising and PR

This course aims to give students a basic understanding of Advertising and Public Relations; and its role in business, media and society. This course explains how marketing communications startegies are used to achieve business objectives. This course will take them through the various players involved in Advertising and PR, with specific empahasis on their interactions with media. The course gives an understanding of public relations as a tool for building an image of the company among the various the stake holders. Corporate Communication strategies help build corporate image and support brand building activities through engaging various stake holders on a common communication platform for the corporate entity.

Political Economy of Media

This course introduces students to the political economy framework and proceeds to examine media as a part of the larger national and international power relationships. In doing so, this course critically examines the structures of the communication systems themselves-including ownership, profit imperatives, support mechanisms such as advertising and public relations-and the ideologies and government policies that sustain these arrangements. Finally, understanding how media is produced has an impact on other social structures, and so understanding the nature of media industries is crucial. The course is particularly relevant to students interested in further study in politics and media and considering careers related to journalism, public relations, opinion polling, campaign management, political advertising, and political consulting.

New Media and Television Studies

The course introduces the students to emerging trends in New Media related to production, delivery or dissemination and consumption of of video in innovative multimedia digital formats across multiple platforms. The teaching incorporates history of video production &introduction to the latest tools and techniques adopted by the industry. Students will learn to host their textual and multimedia stories on an online platform - such as Internet, Computer, Cell Phones, Social networking, Skype through Vlogs, and Video Conferencing, in a digital portfolio which showcases their individual filmmaking and digital production skills.


Communication Theory Science, Health and Environmental Journalism News Editing and Production
Introduction to Journalism Photo, Audio and Data Journalism Gender, Caste and Media
Writing for Media Documentary Research and Production Investigative Journalism
Broadcast Journalism Media Law and Ethics Government and Public Affairs Reporting
Culture and Communication Sports Journalism Business of News Media
Indian Polity and Governance Development Communication Advertising and PR
Media Histories Business Journalism Political Economy of Media
Digital Journalism Lifestyle and Entertainment Journalism New Media and Television Studies

Communication Theory

The 20th century has been the century of mass communication systems. Cinema, radio, television and now the internet have fundamentally transformed the way in which human societies communicate. However, media is routinely treated as something non-serious or simply ‘entertainment’ or at worst, devious. These positions need to be examined more critically. To understand the way the world works today, it is very crucial to undertake a deeper study of the structures, paradigms and institutions of communication.
The course aims to explain the development of media theories and how they link with historically important social and political events/issues. It seeks to acquaint students with the nature of communication processes; to develop a critical understanding of the strengths and limitations of basic theories of mass communication and the ability to apply those theories in research and everyday lives.

Introduction to Journalism

Print Journalism is considered to be the mother of Electronic and online journalism. Knowledge of newspaper journalism will, therefore, help the students understand various aspects of media practices and allied disciplines of communication and management.

Writing for Media

The course is focused on training students to become expert communicators in various fields of media as well as content creators. Students will be trained in writing for other communication sectors including Public Relations and Corporate Media. The course will also equip students with skills to create content for various niche websites. Students will also be trained to write content for mobile applications. The course will explore the similarities and the difference between writing news and creating content for other commercial platforms.

Broadcast Journalism

This course is designed for the study and practice of the basic elements of broadcast journalism and video production. The course will emphasize news-gathering, writing, video recording, editing, and the study of mass media. Students will learn the basic elements of news value and vocabulary specific to broadcast writing. They will also identify various news sources and use interview skills to create stories using video and editing software. This course also explores the world of digital video and television production. Students learn on professional equipment in a modern digital TV studio. Students work in collaborative teams to produce projects using cameras, while learning the basics of studio and field production, lighting and sound.

Culture and Communication

The course considers media industries and their relationship to culture and society, and an understanding of how communication works. The course is grounded in theory and will enable the students to make sense of the complex world that they inhabit. It attempts to understand the pivotal role of culture and communication in contemporary society. It looks at a variety of cultural practices through an interdisciplinary lens further exploring forms, institutions and effects of media.The course emphasizes the development of critical thinking and writing skills.

Indian Polity and Governance

Indian Polity and Governance provides students with an understanding of civic life, politics, and government, along with a short history of Indian government’s foundation and development. The course will explore the relations between the state, governance and development. A unique feature of the course will be its emphasis upon looking at specific contemporary debates in Indian Politics. Finally the students will get familiar with the structure of union and state governments as outlined in the Indian constitution and, the extra constitutional agencies like political parties.

Media Histories

This course focuses on the history of media and communication in India. Also it will discuss some of the most significant events in communication history- including development of communication technology, the media industry and its role and influence in society. Further the course will focus on the history of media and communication in India and its role and influence in the national movement and the post independent Indian state. Students who complete this course should gain a basic understanding of history and development of the mass media in India, and insight into how these developments affect today's media landscape.

Digital Journalism

Digital Journalism course introduces the students to the use of Internet Technologies and Digital Communication in journalism. It covers the study of news aggregators, news sites, and news apps. It also includes writing and publishing of blogs, creation and hosting of podcasts, and use of Twitter in journalism.

Science, Health and Environmental Journalism

The Science, Health and Environmental Journalism course familiarises students with science writing including breaking down complex science theories and studies published in reputed science journals into simple, interesting and relavent stories. The course also focuses on health journalism by highlighting award-winning health reportage from international news agencies. The course will also help students analyse data, understand policy guidelines and research material on the subject. With climate change concerns growing, this course will also equip students with the skills needed to report on environmental issues around the world.

Photo, Audio and Data Journalism

Specialised Reporting on Photo, Data and Online Radio course familiarises students with ideas of Photo Journalism, Data Journalism and Online Radio. This course introduces the students to using data as a source, and interviewing datasets using quantitative analysis and data visualization tools. The course will introduce reporters to the practice of data journalism in a busy newsroom, showcasing the importance of telling s story and how tools can help you to do. Photo Journalism acquaints students to the basic principles of photography and provides them with opportunities to apply those skills to the more specific practice of Journalistic photography.The emphasis of the pedagogy will be on the development of practical skills such as critical reading, writing, and effective communication with a general audience.

Documentary Research and Production

Documentary Research and production will expose students to the art of documentary filmmaking through the practical application of making a film. Grouped in teams, students will workshop, organize, shoot and edit a short documentary film. The course is formed of two sections; while the students will be informed of the history of the genre they will also make their own short documentary film. Students will learn interview technique, techniques for visualizing and shooting “b roll” footage, and how to construct narratives and stories through the integration of sound and images. Further, through screening and discussing a variety of historically significant documentary films, students will learn to define their own personal directorial approach to documentary filmmaking.

Media Law and Ethics

Freedom of speech and expression is consecrated and enshrined in constitutions around the world as it is in the constitution of India in the form of a fundamental right. The United Nations has declared it to be a human right. It is the right to communicate one's thoughts, opinions, ideas, etc., as also to impart knowledge and information. Freedom of speech and expression can take various forms such as, artistic, literary, musical, visual, etc.. and can be of various types namely academic, health, science, political, social, etc.. Freedom of speech and expression as well as communication enrich human life but also complicate it if misused. Laws enacted to prevent and punish such misuse are collectively termed 'Media Laws'.
Mediums of communication have transformed from the traditional to the digital making communication faster, cutting across geographical boundaries and triggering an information revolution, but this has also led to the infringement of other fundamental rights of citizens such as privacy and right to reputation, among others. New technology is posing new challenges, legal as well as ethical, to society, to each one of us and above all to media persons in the world. It is therefore essential for all who aspire to become media professionals to gain knowledge of both, the laws and the ethics of media. This course will ensure that students are well equipped, both legally and ethically, to be a part of the media revolution.

Sports Journalism

The course is focused on two specialised streams including business journalism and sports journalism, both of which have dedicated teams in every newsroom. The course will equip students with the skills needed to get started in the various fields of business journalism. Students will also gain an understanding of current business reporting practices and legal aspects of business reporting. Students will learn and demonstrate how to write business news and feature stories for print, broadcast and online media. The course will also develop students' skills to report and write on national and international sporting events. Students will also be trained in attending sports conferences and writing match reports. The course will also train students in broadcast sports journalism besides writing and reporting news and feature stories for print and online media. The pedagogy will place emphasis on development of practical skills of critical reading, writing, and effective communication with a general audience.

Development Communication

This course examines the roles of media and communication in development issues. It will critically assess the strategic use of communication and media tools in advancing the goals of social, cultural, and political change in a society like India. The courses also offer focus on contemporary development concerns, advocacy and communication for sustainable and inclusive social change. It explores the principles and practices of participatory development communication and the methodological implications when applying a participatory approach in development planning, implementation and evaluation. Field experiences are an essential part of the teaching-learning process and help students to acquire appropriate skill sets. The course prepares students to take up positions in government, development agencies, media houses, corporates engaged in social responsibility initiatives, market research organisations, teaching and administrative positions in educational institutions

Business Journalism

The course is focused on business journalism which has dedicated teams in every newsroom. The course will equip students with the skills needed to get started in the various fields of business journalism. Students will also gain an understanding of current business reporting practices and legal aspects of business reporting. Students will learn and demonstrate how to write business news and feature stories for print, broadcast and online media.The emphasis of the pedagogy will be on the development of practical skills such as critical reading, writing, and effective communication with a general audience.

Lifestyle and Entertainment Journalism

The course will focus on reporting on the fields of Government and public affairs as well as entertainment and lifestyle. Students will be introduced to the various aspects of government and public affairs news reporting and also entertainment and lifestyle reporting and writing. Students will also be familiarised with the functioning and structure of various government organisations. Students will be trained in writing about the entertainment and lifestyle industry. The course will offer an overview of government and policy affairs, film, fashion, food and music journalism among others. The course will cover the origins of public affairs and government relations and what they can achieve. Students will also be introduced to the art of critiquing different art forms including visual art and performance art. Students will learn how to report for various media including print, broadcast and digital media on these subjects. The pedagogy will place emphasis on development of practical skills of critical reading, writing, and effective communication with a general audience.

News Editing and Production

Students of journalism learn how to edit news and features, change headlines, prepare the page or web page layout and design. They also learn how to coordinate between the reporting, editorial desk, design and production departments.The emphasis of the pedagogy will be on the development of practical skills such as critical reading, writing, and effective communication with a general audience.

Gender, Caste and Media

This course introduces the conceptual landscape of gender and caste to the students. It familiarizes the students with the important debates on gender, caste and media historically and in the contemporary. The course will include socio-political understanding, reading form and content, representation, analyzing different media texts and political economy of media in the context of gender and caste. It will discuss the  debates on sexuality and the concept of intersectionality. The students will work with historical scholarly texts, popular culture texts, and media reportage (international, national and regional) for the course. They will gain the language to report about gender and caste, an understanding of the issues to be reported, the legal framework concerning gender and caste. The students are expected to develop an individual view point on these issues at the end of the course. They will gain the tool box to interrogate different media on the issues of gender and caste. This will enable them to be aware, sensitive and informed media professionals.

Investigative Journalism

This class aims to provide students a grounding on the fundamental tools of investigative reporting: How to procure and interpret public records and data; obtain information about individuals and groups using different sources; use social media for reporting and verification; and assess other information available pertaining to a case. Practical examples from media will be used to make the content more relevant, as well as techniques to improve communication, problem-solving, teamwork, and critical inquiry skills required in the industry.

Government and Public Affairs Reporting

The course will focus on reporting on the fields of Government and public affairs . Students will be familiarised with the functioning and structure of various government organisations. The course will offer an overview of government and policy affairs among others. The course will cover the origins of public affairs and government relations and what they can achieve. Students will learn how to report for various media including print, broadcast and digital media on these subjects.

Business of News Media

The Course will serve as an introduction to the business of news media and the transformations it went through owing to the digital turn. The course will acquaint students with the economics of the existing business models across news media industries. It will introduce the regulatory framework in which the news media operates and help students engage with the ethical aspects of News Media.

Advertising and PR

This course aims to give students a basic understanding of Advertising and Public Relations; and its role in business, media and society. This course explains how marketing communications startegies are used to achieve business objectives. This course will take them through the various players involved in Advertising and PR, with specific empahasis on their interactions with media. The course gives an understanding of public relations as a tool for building an image of the company among the various the stake holders. Corporate Communication strategies help build corporate image and support brand building activities through engaging various stake holders on a common communication platform for the corporate entity.

Political Economy of Media

This course introduces students to the political economy framework and proceeds to examine media as a part of the larger national and international power relationships. In doing so, this course critically examines the structures of the communication systems themselves-including ownership, profit imperatives, support mechanisms such as advertising and public relations—and the ideologies and government policies that sustain these arrangements. Finally, understanding how media is produced has an impact on other social structures, and so understanding the nature of media industries is crucial. The course is particularly relevant to students interested in further study in politics and media and considering careers related to journalism, public relations, opinion polling, campaign management, political advertising, and political consulting.

New Media and Television Studies

The course introduces the students to emerging trends in New Media related to production, delivery or dissemination and consumption of of video in innovative multimedia digital formats across multiple platforms. The teaching incorporates history of video production &introduction to the latest tools and techniques adopted by the industry. Students will learn to host their textual and multimedia stories on an online platform - such as Internet, Computer, Cell Phones, Social networking, Skype through Vlogs, and Video Conferencing, in a digital portfolio which showcases their individual filmmaking and digital production skills.