FLAME University



The Centre for Digital Advancement (CDA) at FLAME University is a dynamic research and innovation hub dedicated to exploring the vast potential of digital technologies in driving positive societal and economic transformations. Our research spans critical areas such as digital inclusion, cybersecurity, emerging technologies, and digital governance, with a focus on understanding the usage patterns and challenges faced by diverse segments of society.

At CDA, we believe in the power of collaboration. We bring together researchers, practitioners, students, and policymakers from diverse disciplines to co-create impactful solutions that enhance access and opportunities for all through technology. Through collaborative programs, workshops, and forums, we foster a vibrant ecosystem for ideation and knowledge exchange.

Our mission is clear: to leverage digital technology for the benefit of all. We envision a future where digital advancements lead to tangible improvements in people's lives, driving inclusive growth and empowerment. As part of our inaugural initiative, we are embarking on a national survey to assess digital literacy and create the India Digital Literacy Index, laying the foundation for evidence-based policies and interventions.

Join us in shaping a digitally empowered tomorrow, where technology serves as a catalyst for positive change and equitable development.