The FLAME Centre for Legislative Education and Research explores and clarifies the public sphere of governance, in India today. With support from PRS Legislative Research.
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Maya Dodd received her Ph.D. from Stanford University and subsequent post-doctoral fellowships at Princeton University with the Committee on South Asian Studies and the Centre for the Study of Law and Governance at JNU, India. She has worked on advocacy issues for open educational resources, advocacy for nurturing archives and digital rights. Since receiving two international grants in collaboration – one on the 1975-77 Emergency in India and one for creating databases on public history in India, the Centre follows from her interest in creating databases and archives for public humanities in India.
Dr. Shivakumar Jolad works as Associate Professor of Public Policy at FLAME University, Pune, India. His primary interest is in social policies focused on Education, Health, and Human Development. Jolad has a PhD in Physics and a doctoral minor in Demography from Pennsylvania State University, PA, USA.
Joyita Roy Chowdhury received her Ph.D. in Economics from the University of Utah, USA. She was an Assistant Professor of Economics at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, New York.
Dr. Anup Tripathi holds a Bachelor’s degree in Political Science from University of Delhi and has Master’s and PhD degrees from Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai. He has several publications and research projects to his credit. His interest areas are urban studies, housing, smart cities, urban politics and social welfare.
Shamsher Singh received his Ph.D. in Sociology from the University of Calcutta while he was a doctoral fellow at the Sociological Research Unit of the Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata. He has been involved in carrying out socio-economic village studies across different agro-ecological regions in India and in producing village profiles based on this research.
Mochish KS teaches Media Studies at the Faculty of Communication, FLAME University Pune. His areas of academic interest include Political Communication, Media & Public Action, and Media Histories. Mochish has an M.Phil. & Ph.D. in Media and Cultural Studies from the Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai, India. His Ph.D. research analyses Malayalam newspapers' role in land struggles and movements in Kerala between 1930-2008.
Sreeparna Chattopadhyay is a broadly trained anthropologist with an A.M and a PhD from Brown University. Her professional experience spans the government, nonprofits and academia. Over the last fifteen years, her research has focused on the ways in which gender disadvantages interact with socioeconomic inequities, shaping women’s life trajectories including impacts on health, education, opportunities, and exposure to violence.
In relation to the work of the Centre, she is interested in issues of access to justice, legal protections, and remedies as it applies to discrimination and exclusion based on gender (and age) and its intersections with other social locations. She is also interested in improving the interface of legal systems with other support systems such as psychological support structures, advocacy organisations, and health systems that can aid in the long-term recovery and rehabilitation of survivors of violence. Her past research has included the following themes: domestic and sexual violence, child protection, and public health and the law. Her policy interests include an exploration of the mechanisms by which gender, education, and health policies can be made more inclusive and intersectional to protect the most vulnerable populations.