FLAME University offers a two-year full time MBA (Communications Management) program.
With the ongoing transformation of Indian society into a digitized society, managing the process of communication and communication structures has become the core of doing business. Communication frequency, communication density and communication intensity has increased and is driving markets, brands, social development and indeed every aspect of the social and political economy. In the pre-liberalized Indian society there were only a couple of industry sectors like Film & TV and Journalism, which required in-depth understanding of communication to succeed. Liberalization brought TV into almost every bedroom, but its most significant contribution was to enhance the importance of marketing communication (advertising, promotion and public relations) in brand building. Emergence of digital media has made communication the core of marketing and has led to career paths centered on the theme of managing communication. The curriculum of the MBA (Communications Management) program at FLAME University is designed to help students shape a career in not only the traditional fields of Marketing & Branding, Film & TV but also in the emerging field of Digital Marketing Communication.
Communication is a creative process and managing communication processes and structures require not only an ability to think analytically but also innovatively and creatively. FLAME University’s MBA (Communications Management) program is designed not only to provide conceptual knowledge but also provide analytical and creative thinking abilities that differentiate our program from others. Another differentiator of our program are courses from humanities and social sciences which build the knowledge of socio-psychological context of business and communication and make our students better decision makers.
This program focuses on, both, classroom instruction and hands-on project work. Inside the classroom, students are taught and their minds enlightened by experienced academics and practitioners from the industry. Outside the classroom, students learn by interaction and discussion. The faculty also mentors project work. Students work on group as well as individual projects. FLAME University provides its students all the tools they need to learn: right from the best faculty to hands-on equipment. While at FLAME University, a student has easy and ready access to a host of resources that aid him to practice his craft and course better and to the best of his ability.
- To create graduates who transcend disciplinary boundaries and embody inter- and multi -disciplinary thinking to tackle diverse issues and problems, and who are able to adapt to and excel in a dynamic local and global environment.
- To produce critical thinkers and problem solvers who have broad areas of business management, entrepreneurship and leadership and in-depth knowledge in functional areas of choice, and who can creatively conceptualize new business opportunities and business models with a global perspective.
- To train graduates who will be leaders holding the highest ethical standards in both their personal and professional lives, who are also deeply engaged with their community and actively seek to positively impact their profession, society and the world at large.
- To train graduates who are confident and effective communicators.
- To create graduates who can function effectively both individually and collaboratively to realise individual and common goals.
- PO1-Disciplinary Knowledge: A broad and critical knowledge of the ideas, approaches, methodologies, and theoretical underpinnings of Business Management from an inter- and multi disciplinary perspective.
- PO2-Critical Thinking and Problem Solving: Ability to employ the tools of critical thinking and methods of enquiry in identifying, formulating, analysing, and evaluating complex problems and issues for arriving at effective solutions from first principles.
- PO3-Research Orientation: Capability to demonstrate understanding in identifying primary sources of knowledge and utilise research tools to investigate, analyse, interpret data and synthesize information to arrive at sound conclusions.
- PO4-Quantitative Reasoning: Ability to define problems, critically evaluate ideas, evidence and experiences using scientific principles, analyse, interpret, and draw conclusions from quantitative/qualitative data.
- PO5-Application: Capacity to use practical knowledge of appropriate tools and techniques, including the use of latest technology, to address issues and solve problems.
- PO6-Ethical Behaviour: Ability to recognize the importance of ethical behaviour, commit to following professional and societal rules and norms, and articulate a clear personal code of conduct.
- PO7-Effective Communication: Demonstrate competence in communicating accurately and reliably in diverse contexts including academic, professional and the society at large using multiple tools and mediums.
- PO8-Entrepreneurial Spirit: Display willingness to seek out opportunities, take calculated risks, lead, and innovate in diverse contexts.
- PO9-Individual and Collaborative Work: Ability to function effectively towards realisation of a common goal, both at the individual and team level, in diverse settings.
- PO10-Indian Context: Capable of taking a critical, informed, and action-oriented approach taking into account various facets of India’s diversity.
- PO11-Good Citizenship: Capacity to apply knowledge and skills to contribute positively to the creation of just, inclusive, tolerant, and environmentally sustainable communities, and demonstrate, by doing, the importance of participating in the governance structures of one’s profession and society.
- PO12-Personal Growth and Leadership: Ability to examine, analyse and reflect upon knowledge and experiences, practice physical and mental wellness, create a personal roadmap for financial well-being, resilience, self-reliance, and articulate a sense of purpose in life.
- PO13-Life-long Learning: Demonstrate willingness and ability to independently undertake and sustain pursuit of knowledge and acquisition of skills for betterment of self, profession and society.
MBA (CM) Program Specific Outcomes (PSOs)
- PSO1 - Demonstrate understanding of Social Sciences, Humanities, Fine and Performing Arts for holistic perspectives.
- PSO2 - Demonstrate ability to critically analyse economic, legal and business environments and to synthesize business situations to make sound business decisions.
- PSO3 - Display understanding of basic tools of management such as quantitative analysis, financial accounting, research methods and application of information technology.
- PSO4 - Understanding of functional aspects of management like Marketing, Finance, Operations and Human Resource Management, especially in the communications industry.
- PSO5 - Demonstrate expertise and advanced knowledge in the chosen area of specialization: Advertising and Branding, Digital Marketing and Communications, and Film and Television Management.
- PSO6 - Ability to analyze and identify communication challenges and develop communication campaigns to achieve the organisational objectives.
- PSO7 - Display knowledge, skills and attitude for employability to succeed in a global business environment.
- PSO8 - Recognition of the need for continuous self-development to be able to adapt to and excel in the dynamic global environment.
- PSO9 - Ability to synthesize business situations to make sound business decisions.
- PSO10 - Creative thinking ability and innovative problem-solving ability.
- PSO11 - Ability to spot emerging socio-cultural and economic trends and be able to take them into consideration while formulating business decisions.
- Click here to view course outcomes.