(in association with ET Cases, National HRD Network Pune Chapter and Emerald Emerging Markets Cases)
Date: : 29th - 30th June 2017
Teaching through cases has now become an integral part of education and training today across several academic and professional disciplines. Case method of teaching requires learners to solve issues and decision dilemmas in a real-world setting as captured in print and/or multimedia forms. Thus, case based teaching better prepares learners for real life situations than traditional lecture based teaching.
Pedagogical innovations are essential to achieve excellence in teaching and learning. During the current millennium, while many newer teaching methods are being experimented, existing teaching methods are also experiencing profound metamorphosis in their erstwhile applications.
The FLAME Centre for Case Development (FCCD) invites academicians, researchers and professionals, within and outside India, from across disciplines such as management, entrepreneurship, humanities, social and natural sciences to submit their documented pedagogical innovations, industry experiences/practices and teaching/research cases for the International Conference on Cases and Pedagogical Innovations to be organized at the picturesque campus of FLAME University, Pune, India. FCCD has been organizing an annual conference on similar themes since July 2014. This proposed version is the third season of this event.The FLAME Centre for Case Development, FLAME University conducted an International Case Conference and Case Writing Workshop from July 14-15, 2016. Apart from multiple parallel tracks of cases submitted by authors, three plenary sessions titled, 'Designing Case Based Courses', ‘Innovations in Case Teaching and Writing’ and 'Designing Innovative Pedagogical Products’ were conducted by experts invited from IIM-Bangalore and ET Cases.
A total of forty-seven cases contributed by eighty-eight authors affiliated to thirty-five different institutions/universities/firms from across India were presented over two days. These cases were selected following a rigorous blind-review process from the eighty case abstracts initially received and subsequent full case submissions. All conference tracks were highly appreciated by the participants.

The proposed conference has the following objectives.
- To act as a platform to share and refine pedagogical innovations being conducted by teachers/trainers/institutions.
- To act as a platform for case writers to improve their cases through constructive feedback received from reviewers and conference participants.
- To encourage the development of cases dealing with issues faced by Indian organizations/institutions.
- To create a platform for executives and professionals to share their experiences/problem areas in form of practice based cases to generate discussions and solutions.
The two driving ideas of the proposed conference are:
- Multidisciplinary Focus: Given the liberal education roots of FLAME University, the conference invites submissions of documented pedagogical innovations, experiences/practices and teaching/research cases from across multiple disciplines such as management, entrepreneurship, humanities, social and natural sciences. This is to promote free flow of ideas across disciplines as true knowledge is transcendental and doesn't have any disciplinary boundaries.
- Multi-stakeholder Linkage: A special track to share documented experiences/practices in audio/written/video format is being provided to showcase unique experiences to a wider audience of academicians, researchers and professionals. This will enable them to seek feedback from such diversified audiences to further refine their real-life practices and decision making. Such interactions should also result in future collaborative endeavours between various stakeholders.
The conference invites submissions in the form of documented pedagogical innovations, industry experiences/practices and teaching/research cases pertaining to one or more of the following functional areas viz., management, entrepreneurship, humanities, social and natural sciences. Thus, the broad themes of the conference will be:
Documented Pedagogical Innovations | ||
Documented Industry Experiences/Practices | ||
Teaching/Research Cases | ||
Business Management Cases | Social Sciences Cases | Natural Sciences Cases |
4. NHRDN Pune Special HR Innovation Track |
Special track for industry experiences, best practices and cases from Industry Executives and Academicians focusing on HR domain. |
The list is indicative of the categories and by no means limits the areas of participation. The conference will also include expert lecture sessions and panel discussions on topics linked to the conference themes.
The conference encourages participation from all enthusiastic case writers related with Industry and Academia. The following is an indicative list of participants:
- Faculty members
- Research scholars
- Corporate executives /Policy makers / Bureaucrats / Practitioners
- Trainers/consultants
- Entrepreneurs
- Doctoral / Post-Graduate Students
- Any other professionals
15th May 2017 | Submission of Final Paper & NHRDN Special HR Innovation Track |
30th May 2017 | Acceptance of Final Paper |
5th June 2017 | Registration Deadline |
The authors can submit original and unpublished documented pedagogical innovations, industry experiences/practices and cases pertaining to one or more of the following functional areas viz., management, entrepreneurship, humanities, social and natural sciences.
- All submissions submitted under the category of documented pedagogical innovations and industry experiences/practices have to be primary data based.
- Primary data based cases are preferred. However, secondary data based cases, with proper referencing would also be acceptable. The cases written with secondary data should mention all the sources of information and take the onus of originality, while cases based on primary data must have organizational consent.
- Sometimes in writing of cases one has to disguise names of real organizations and people for protecting privacy. However, authors should avoid using names such as ABC Ltd and Mr. XYZ etc. Instead, authors should use disguised names which sound like real names.
- Plagiarism is required to be avoided at all costs. Authors must assure that information included in their submissions doesn’t violate any copyrights. Any such instances of violation of copyrights will solely be the responsibility of the concerned author(s). For any copyrighted material to be used in your submission, author(s) must obtain written permission from the copy right owner. The submitted case should not have been presented in any previous conference or any public forum.
- ABSTRACT FORMAT (Max words: 300)
- First page: Provide Title, Author(s) names, Affiliations, and Contact details including the email and mobile number of corresponding author.
- Second page would carry the Abstract of not more than 300 words including:
- Functional areas (Course/programme and specific topic) for which the submission can be used;
- Clearly specify the objectives of your submission, and
- Keywords (maximum five)
- The full paper may have the following structure:
- FULL ABSTRACT Inclusive of Title Page
- Introduction
- Main Body of the paper includes all facts and issues related to the documented pedagogical innovation/ industry experience/case (this can have multiple sections depending on the requirement of the situation)
- Closing section
- Tables, Exhibits
- References
- Any non-text material like photos/videos/audios can be submitted in form of a CD.
- There is no prescribed length and word limit for the full paper. However, good papers on pedagogical innovations/ industry experiences/case situations provide adequate contextual information but are not too lengthy. Some of the best papers in these categories have a length of 5 to 15 pages inclusive of information presented in tables and exhibits.
- Font requirements: Font size-12; Font type-Times New Roman; Line spacing-Single; Subheadings-Arial font, Font size 10, Bold, mixed case as opposed to all capitals.
- The pedagogical innovations/industry experiences/case situations are to be written in the past tense as they have already taken place.
- To be considered of an acceptable quality, your paper should have a proper flow and accurate language.
- All tables, figures and exhibits are required to be placed at the end of the text and sequentially referenced within the text. Source for every table, figure and exhibit needs to be mentioned under the same.
- APA style for in-text citations and referencing is preferred. However, other major, accepted styles may also be used as long as consistency in the style usage is maintained.
- The full paper may have the following structure:
The copyright of submissions presented at this conference will remain with the submitting authors. However, post to the conference, authors of a few selected high quality submissions would be invited to publish in a reputed journal/case repository. Their submissions would only be published if they give their prior consent and complete the process of passing their copyrights to the publisher. A few selected submissions presented at our earlier conferences are now part of The Case Centre/ ET Cases repository and were also published in form of a joint book by ET Cases and FLAME University.
Authors will be given an option of publishing their work with ET Cases and Emerald Publication, subject to meeting the publisher’s guidelines.
FLAME in association with ET cases, NHRDN and Emerald Publication has instituted the following awards:
1) ET Cases – FLAME Best Case Writer Award with a cash prize of Rs. 15,000.
2) ET Cases – FLAME Industry Experience Case Award with a cash prize of Rs. 12,000.
3) ET Cases – FLAME Pedagogical Innovation Case Award with a cash prize of Rs. 12,000.
4) ET Cases – FLAME Young Case Writer Award with a cash prize of Rs. 12,000.
5) NHRDN Pune –FLAME Innovative HR Industry Experience award with a cash price of Rs. 10000/-
6) EMERALD-FLAME Best Emerging Market Case award with a cash prize of Rs.15000.
Nomination can be done for this conference by completing the attached nomination form sent along with the conference fee via Crossed DD payable to “FLAME UNIVERSITY PUNE” at Pune. The Demand Draft along with the nomination form has to be mailed to:
Prof. Hoshiar Mal/Prof. Niraj Mankad
FLAME University
401, Phoenix Commercial Complex, Bund Garden Road, Opp. Residency Club, Pune - 411001
In case you want to transfer the registration fees electronically, the relevant account details are as under:-
Name of the Bank | Bank of India |
Branch | Lavale, Pune – 411042 |
Name of the Account | FLAME UNIVERSITY, PUNE |
Current Account no. | 062020110000581 |
IFSC Code | BKID0000620 |
Note: If you do electronic/NEFT transfer of funds, please compulsorily email payment details to verify whether funds have been received at our end or not:
The participants who submit/present their papers in the conference will pay the registration fees as per the given category:
Delegates from Indian Organisations/Institutions | Delegates from Foreign Organisations/Institutions | |
Industry | Rs. 4600/- | USD 150/- |
Academicians | Rs. 3100/- | USD 100/- |
Students (produce necessary proof) | Rs. 2000/- | USD 75/- |
b) Accommodation:
Limited lodging and boarding facility will be provided on twin-sharing basis on FLAME campus on a first-come, first-served basis. For this, an additional fee of Rs. 1000/- per day per person (excluding applicable taxes) will be charged from all those who opt to avail on-campus accommodation. The boarding and lodging fee includes breakfast and dinner throughout the programme at the FLAME dining facility.
- Prof. Devi Singh, Vice Chancellor, FLAME University
- Prof. D. S. Rao, Provost, FLAME University and Dean, Flame School of Business
- Prof. Hemant Trivedi, Dean, FLAME School of Communication
- Prof. Vinod Vidwans, Chair, FLAME School of Fine and Performing Arts
- Prof. Santosh Kudtarkar, Associate Dean, FLAME School of Liberal Education
- Prof. Amit Karna, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
- Prof. Amitabh Kodwani, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Management Indore
- Prof. Amol Singh, Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Management Rohtak
- Prof. Arnab Kumar Laha, Professor, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
- Prof. Ashutosh Tripathi, Assistant Professor, National institute of Bank Management
- Prof. Bino Paul, Professor & Dean, School of Management and Labour Studies, Tata Institute of Social Sciences, Mumbai
- Prof. Ganesh N. Prabhu, Professor, Indian Institute of Management Bangalore
- Prof. Goutam Dutta , Professor, Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad
- Prof. Kunal , Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Management Kashipur
- Prof. Parikshit Charan, Assistant Professor, Indian Institute of Management Raipur
- Prof. Rohit Kapoor, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Management Indore
- Prof. S.C. Bansal, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow
- Prof. Vasant Sivaraman, Professor, SP Jain Institute of Management and Research, Regional Editor India, Emerald Emerging Markets Case Study.
- Prof. Vikas Srivastava, Associate Professor, Indian Institute of Management Lucknow
- Dr. Mahesh Deshmukh, CEO, Maruma Consultancy Services
- Dr. Nagendra Chowdary, Head (Academics) and Vice President, ET Cases
- Dr. Rajiv Narvekar, Practice Leader (Technology and Innovation), Tata Management Training Centre, Pune
- Dr. Sanjay Thakur, Head (Treasury Product Control), The Saudi Investment Bank, Riyadh
- Mr. Aman Rajabali, General Secretary, NHRDN Pune Chapter, Chief Executive Officer. Kabir Profile Solutions
- Mr. Anand Khot, Vice President, NHRDN Pune Chapter, HR Leader - Pune & Mumbai, IBM India Pvt Limited
- Mr. Ravi Teja, Vice President (Global Consulting), Nihilent Technologies, Pune, Chairman (Institute of Management Consultants of India, Pune Chapter)
- Mr. Sankar Gopalakrishnan, Chief Executive Officer (Reliance Footprint/Payless Shoes) and Board Member of M&S Reliance
- Ms. Riya Arora, President, NHRDN Pune Chapter, Director - Operations, India, Inspirational Development Group
- Prof. Hoshiar Mal (Chair)
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Mobile: +91 9921446323 - Prof. Niraj Mankad
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Mobile: +91 9765390639
- Mr. Romil Mehta
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Mobile: +91 9028078078
The case method of teaching has gained popularity in the disciplines of Education, Law, Medicine, Management, Psychology, and Sociology among others. There are several popular case repositories like HBS Educator, Ivy Publishing, ECCH, Science Case Network, ET Cases, Asian IT Cases Series etc. from where instructors can source teaching cases for their courses. At FLAME, case method of teaching is practiced across all its schools. Many of the FLAME faculty members use the case method of teaching in their courses and have prior exposure to the craft of case writing and research. The Center’s mission is to “Emerge as a well-known repository of quality cases by 2025 in all such professional disciplines which are taught at FLAME and where case method of teaching can be successfully deployed.”
ET Cases’ – an initiative of Times Centre for Learning Limited (The Times of India Group, India’s oldest and biggest media conglomerate) – mission is to enable effective and efficient classroom delivery. The driving force and practiced advocacy at ET CASES is co-creation – creating value for the management fraternity – faculty from business schools, practicing managers from a wide spectrum of companies and industries, or aspiring managers – through seamless collaboration and value sharing, to enable efficient and effective decision making.
ET Cases aims at innovating pedagogical platforms and bring these to the classrooms to bridge the gap between academia and business.
The National HRD Network is the National Apex body of professionals committed to promoting the HRD movement in the country and enhancing the capability of human resource professionals to compete globally and thereby creating value for society. Towards this end, National HRD Network is committed to the development of human resources through education, training, research and experience sharing. Established over 28 years ago, NHRD is autonomous, not-for-profit professionally managed organization, playing a catalyst role in grooming Leaders for Tomorrow. It has 12,500 members representing, Multinationals, Public & Private organizations including Government, MSME & NGOs spread across 30 chapters in India and serves as a reference point for HR Professionals in Indian Industry. Pune chapter is one of the branches for NHRDN’s banyan tree. We voluntarily take initiatives for development of the HR fraternity.
Emerald Publishing was founded in 1967 to champion new ideas that would advance the research and practice of business and management. Today, we continue to nurture fresh thinking in applied fields where we feel we can make a real difference, now also including health and social care, education and engineering. Emerald manages a portfolio of nearly 300 journals, more than 2,500 books and over 1500 teaching cases.